turn a deaf ear to the voice

2024-03-06 21:07

Theheadmasterturnedadeafeartothevoiceoftheparent怎么翻译还有这句话中为什么用voice?... The headmaster turned a deaf ear to the voice of the parent 怎么翻译 还有这句话中为什么用voice? 展开
The headmaster turned a deaf ear to the voice of the parent.那校长全不理会家长们的意见.headmaster = 校长,turn a deaf ear = 不听,不理会,voice = 说话,呼声,意见 (voice 是有意思的声音,有别於 noise,sound,声音,噪音)
The mother said to her child:“turn off the radio!
1个回答2024-03-03 17:54
The mother said to her child: "Turn off your radio!
turn to stone的故事
1个回答2024-01-26 14:35
你好! turn to stone 变成石头
-----The rain came to a sto...
1个回答2024-02-27 07:21
【答案】B 【答案解析】试题分析: 句意:大雨昨天晚上停的。地里还是充满了水。它已经下了将近一周了。下雨在雨停之前,过去的过去为过去完成时,故选B 考点:考查过去完成时。
The tiger, once a animal to...
1个回答2024-03-12 04:05
【答案】B 【答案解析】试题分析:考查danger的词性变化和短语。Dangerous是形容词“危险的”;in danger处于…危险中;句意:老虎,曾经对人类来说是一种危险的动物,现在正处于危险的情...
A Trip to the Silk Road 什么意思
1个回答2024-03-22 20:12
________from space, the ear...
1个回答2024-03-27 00:39
【答案】D 【答案解析】试题分析:考查非谓语动词:句意“从太空看,有70%的水覆盖它表面的地球就像一个蓝色的球。第一空 过去分词作条件状语 它和主语the earth的关系是被动关系,第二空是过去分词...
问下a turn on和a turn off 是什么意思
2个回答2023-10-30 13:06
turn on/off做动词时是打基尘大开/关闭(电器等)的意思 turnon做名词时: n. 接通[入], (扭)开, 开启 turnoff做名词时: n. 岔开, 避开; 断开[路], 切断,...
Music is the eye of the ear.
1个回答2024-03-03 20:06
B 解析: Music is the eye of the ear. 音乐是耳朵的眼睛。
Turn on the lights
4个回答2023-10-29 17:27
go,to,read,the stories,to the children,you,can,a,talk,children's,to them,hospita
1个回答2024-03-24 00:08
You can go to a children's hospital to talk to the children or read the stories to them_ 希望帮到你!