The story shows that ______...

2024-03-16 05:24

The story shows that _______ knowledge of _______ first aid can make ______ real difference.A.the; the; /B.a; /; aC./; the; aD.a; /; /
【答案解析】试题分析:考查冠词,第一空的固定词组a knowledge of 掌握…;第二空也是固定词组first aid急救;第三空是固定词组make a difference起作用,有影响;句意:这个故事说明掌握了急救的知识真的可以起作用的。故B正确。
From the story we might tell that the girl-------.
1个回答2024-05-14 17:38
The story tells us that the tall dark girl was in the family...
1个回答2024-01-29 20:52
The story is ___ interesting that many children enjoy it.
1个回答2024-03-02 16:36
直接填SO 选B so +形容词+ that 如此....以至于
From the story we may infer that Tom drove to the beach cott...
1个回答2024-03-11 18:16
正确答案:C 解析:判断推理题。本文开头描述Tom开车去度假小屋,第五段讲到 "After the long drive, I wanted to sit and read. Evelyn sugge...
The picture shows my mother...
1个回答2024-02-26 02:58
【答案】B 【答案解析】试题分析:句意:这幅照片显示我母亲坐在我的床边,讲故事直到我睡着。Tell与其逻辑主语my mother之间是主动关系,故用现在分词作伴随状语,选B。 考点:考查现在分词的用法
adults tell the young people the story of chang'e and that of the moon cake 翻译
1个回答2024-02-15 14:56
大人给年轻人讲述嫦娥和月饼的故事 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】
the kind that
1个回答2024-04-12 12:16
宾语从句 主语 the kind 谓语 said 宾语从句 she wouldn't change her mind
From the story we know that Mrs. Pontellier is a/an______wif...
1个回答2024-03-06 16:52
正确答案:A 解析:细节推断题。从故事的倒数第二段说当妻子问丈夫回不回来吃饭时丈夫没有回答,而妻子“…but she understood it, and laughed, nodding good-...
this is the story of baiji river that makes its home in the changjiang river.
1个回答2024-04-09 00:43
你baiji后面是不是多打了个river,感觉不是很通 baiji应该指的是白鳍豚 如果去掉river,整句的意思就是“这就是白鳍豚在长江安家的故事” 如果你是从书上看来得话,我估计是打印错误 ...