____________(final) they found their lost little brother in the park

2024-03-19 18:03

I'm just a little girl lost in the midnight 是什么歌?
4个回答2023-10-31 02:17
in the wall we found the hole
1个回答2024-04-16 00:11
修饰the hole in the wall 的状语从句,用where
they are in the library对in the library提问
1个回答2023-10-19 11:49
Where are they reading?
love in the little gair
1个回答2024-03-02 23:38
你可能没有按规范写,也没有写完整。只有把 Gair 的首字母大写才可以勉强解释为 “在小盖尔那个地方相爱”,否则无法理解。
lost and found中lost 、found各是什么词性?
2个回答2022-12-17 19:31
Lost and Found 它有失物招领处的意思,这样的话,这个整体是个名词。 Lost and Found 还有失而复得。用在句子中大写的情况下,整体是动词。 lost and foun...
the little bird is in the tree
1个回答2024-02-23 02:34
in the tree 和on the tree 都是在树上 in the tree 是不是树上结的东西 There is a little bird in the tree. on the ...
little brother是什么意思
2个回答2023-10-05 04:35
little brother意思有几个 兄弟间,哥哥称春吵呼弟弯祥弟埋森搏,会说my little brother 朋友间或者不熟的人,意思相当于中国人说 小兄弟。
Lost in the mountains for t...
1个回答2024-05-02 17:32
【答案】B 【答案解析】试题分析:考查句子谓语动词的使用。expect vt 期待,要求,预期。句意:在山里迷路了三天,这三个人所能够做的是期望直升机的帮助。故选B。 考点:考查句子谓语动词的使用
Little brother 和younger brother的区别
1个回答2023-10-05 00:21
Little brother 和younger brother的区别: Little brother 是年纪小的弟弟。 younger brother 指比败扒自己年纪小桐御的弟弟。察轮昌
Little brother 和younger brother的区别
2个回答2023-09-19 07:56
Little brother 和败扒younger brother的桐御区别: Little brother是年纪小的弟弟。 younger brother指比自己年纪小的察轮昌弟弟。