What does the author say about baby sea slugs?

2024-05-12 21:40

What does the author say about baby sea slugs?In fact, the slugs use the genetic material so well that they pass it on to their future generations. Their babies retain the ability to produce their own chlorophyll, though they can't generate energy from sunlight until they've eaten enough algae to steal the necessary genes, which they can't yet produce on their own.请根据材料选择正确答案。A、They can live without sunlight for a long time. B、They can absorb sunlight right after their birth. C、They can survive without algae for quite some time. D、They can produce chlorophyll on their own. ​



第一步,找定位词:baby sea slug。

第二步,段落定位。题目问及“关于海蛞蝓幼虫,作者说了什么”,根据定位词定位至第二句:Their babies retain the ability to produce their own chlorophyll, though they can't generate energy from sunlight until they've eaten enough algae to steal the necessary genes...

第三步,比对文章和选项。D项中的produce chlorophyll on their own是定位句中produce their own chlorophyll的同义替换,因此本题答案为D。

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