
2022-12-04 22:14

哈利,赫敏,罗恩 Harry potter is the main character and hero of the movies. He is very smart and brave. He is adopted by his uncle and aunt because his parents were killed by vodemort when he was just a baby.

Hermione is the female main character in the movies. Although her parents are muggles, which are normal human beings without magic powers, she is very skilled at magic. Compared to the other characters the movies, she is very smart and logical.

Vodemort is the ultimate bad guy in the movies. He is pure evil and bizarre looking. He also has a funny looking nose.

Harry potter is a series of movies about a young boy called Harry potter and how he takes revenge on his enemy, vodemort. In the beginning of the story, Harry potter is introduced to a new school full of wizards. Then, Harry potter begins to make new friends. As he slowly charms his ways through, he learns secrets about his family's past, and tries to defeat vodemort
Harry potter is the main character and hero of the movies. He is very smart and brave. He is adopted by his uncle and aunt because his parents were killed by vodemort when he was just a baby.

Hermione is the female main character in the movies. Although her parents are muggles, which are normal human beings without magic powers, she is very skilled at magic. Compared to the other characters the movies, she is very smart and logical.

Vodemort is the ultimate bad guy in the movies. He is pure evil and bizarre looking. He also has a funny looking nose.

Harry potter is a series of movies about a young boy called Harry potter and how he takes revenge on his enemy, vodemort. In the beginning of the story, Harry potter is introduced to a new school full of wizards. Then, Harry potter begins to make new friends. As he slowly charms his ways through, he learns secrets about his family's past, and tries to defeat vodemort.
1个回答2024-03-08 09:55
求《哈利波特与死亡圣器》有声读物 李慧敏讲的,别的不要。拜托。。。
1个回答2024-05-09 03:25
亲,李慧敏老师演播的哈利波特只有1、2、3、6 其它的并没有她演播过的! 所以是没有第七部她讲的!
哈利波特一共有几部?以及它们的名字`拜托各位了 3Q
3个回答2023-02-02 19:16
一共七部, 《哈利波特与魔法石》.哈利波特与密室,《哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》 哈利波特与火焰杯,《哈利波特与凤凰社》,哈利波特与混血王子,《哈利波特与死圣》
1个回答2024-03-15 19:31
1.height 2.kitchen 3.countries 4.arrived 5.drive 6.answer 7.restaurant 8.spent 9.cinema 10.hear
1个回答2024-02-12 16:23
病情分析:你好,喝酒过多会导致酒精中毒。 指导意见:可以在饮酒后吃个香蕉,有解酒功效,也可以喝些米汤牛奶,多吃些水果较好。
1个回答2024-02-29 04:04
The school has different kinds of drinks and fast food for lunch at 12:00 a.m_ In the afternoon and ...