
2022-06-02 14:58

Soldier-Samantha Jade
Mmm_.. Mmm_..

I'm laying here in the darkness
The middle of nowhere
There's no one in sight

Caught in the madness
Don't wanna be like this
I'm losing my mind

Wanna see inside your head
What's going on in there?
Tell me where you are
So I can stop and take a breath
Cause nothing's making sense
I don't want this to end

Come and get me out of this mess

I want you to stay , stay

Stay with me a little longer
Why don't you stay , stay

Don't you wanna be my Soldier?
Now, would you fight for me?
D-d-d-die for me?
Would wanna be with me forever

Why don't you stay , stay

Don't you wanna be my Soldier?

You brought me out of my shell
Put me under your spell
Now I'm walking a straight line

To you

I'll never surrender
You're my pain and pleasure all together

Wanna see inside your head
What's going on in there?

Tell me where you are
So I can stop and take a breath
Cause nothing's making sense
I don't want this to end
Come and get me out of this mess

I want you to stay (oh), stay (oh)
Stay with me a little longer
Why don't you stay (oh), stay (oh)

Don't you wanna be my Soldier?
Now, would you fight for me?
D-d-d-die for me?
Would wanna be with me forever
Why don't you stay (oh), stay (oh)

Don't you wanna be my Soldier?

If only it was us against the world

(Tell me, tell me, tell me)

Tell me, would you stand for all the worth?

(Worth, worth)
Your silence is a gun, gun, gun, gun

Aiming at the one, one, one, one

Who's still the same

My love won't change

(Love won't change...)

Stay (oh), stay (oh)
Stay with me a little longer
Why don't you stay (oh), stay (oh)

Don't you wanna be my Soldier?
Now, would you fight for me?
D-d-d-die for me?
Would wanna be with me forever
Why don't you stay (oh), stay (oh)

(Stay, stay, yeah...)
Don't you wanna be my Soldier?

(Oh, oh, oh) (Oh, oh, oh) Yeah

(Oh, oh, oh) Be my Soldier, soldier
(Oh, oh, oh-oh)
(Oh, oh, oh) But, would you die for me?
(Oh, oh, oh)
Die for me?
(Oh, oh, oh) Be my Soldier, soldier
(Oh, oh, oh-oh)
什么是好的经济学 144
1个回答2022-06-20 03:20
什么是好的经济学 经济学是怎么改造世界的,哪些经济学概念,是对世界产生影响的。 保护私有产权,主张市场自由交易。
什么是好的经济学 144
1个回答2022-10-03 13:30
有非常重要的两个点: 是不是保护私有产权 是不是支持市场的自由交易 如果是的话,那它就是好的经济学。
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144÷12=12(年) 《经典故事会》创刊了12年
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