
2023-09-03 14:28

northern star
歌手:melanie C 专辑:northern star
Northern Star
Melanie C

They tried to catch a falling star
Thinking that she had gone too far
She did but kept it hidden well
Until she cracked and then she fell

If all the history is true
She's gonna end up just like you
You made it to the other side
But tell me who will be my guide?

They build you up So they can tear you down
Trust the ocean
You'll never drown
Who is next?
Who's gonna steal your crown?
You'll see

I have learned my lesson well
The truth is out there I can tell
Don't look back and don't give in to their lies
And goodbyes

Northern Star

Fulfil a longing in your heart
And we will never be apart
And if they dare to question you
Just tell them that our love is true

They buy your dreams so they can sell you soul
Is it any wonder we've lost control?
Feelings come
Feelings go

I have learned my lesson well
The truth is out there I can tell
Don't look back and don't succumb to their lies
And goodbyes

Live your life without regret
Don't be someone who they forget
When you're lost reach out for me
And you'll see
She's not far

Northern Star

I have learned my lesson well
The truth is out there I can tell
Don't look back and don't succumb to their lies
And goodbyes

Live your life without regret
Don't be someone who they forget
When you're lost reach out for me
And you'll see
She's not far。
northern star
歌手:melanie C 专辑:northern star
Northern Star
Melanie C

They tried to catch a falling star
Thinking that she had gone too far
She did but kept it hidden well
Until she cracked and then she fell

If all the history is true
She's gonna end up just like you
You made it to the other side
But tell me who will be my guide?

They build you up So they can tear you down
Trust the ocean
You'll never drown
Who is next?
Who's gonna steal your crown?
You'll see

I have learned my lesson well
The truth is out there I can tell
Don't look back and don't give in to their lies
And goodbyes

Northern Star

Fulfil a longing in your heart
And we will never be apart
And if they dare to question you
Just tell them that our love is true

They buy your dreams so they can sell you soul
Is it any wonder we've lost control?
Feelings come
Feelings go

I have learned my lesson well
The truth is out there I can tell
Don't look back and don't succumb to their lies
And goodbyes

Live your life without regret
Don't be someone who they forget
When you're lost reach out for me
And you'll see
She's not far

Northern Star

I have learned my lesson well
The truth is out there I can tell
Don't look back and don't succumb to their lies
And goodbyes

Live your life without regret
Don't be someone who they forget
When you're lost reach out for me
And you'll see
She's not far
Northern Star
  northern star
  歌手:melanie C 专辑:northern star
  Northern Star
  Melanie C

  They tried to catch a falling star
  Thinking that she had gone too far
  She did but kept it hidden well
  Until she cracked and then she fell

  If all the history is true
  She's gonna end up just like you
  You made it to the other side
  But tell me who will be my guide?

  They build you up So they can tear you down
  Trust the ocean
  You'll never drown
  Who is next?
  Who's gonna steal your crown?
  You'll see

  I have learned my lesson well
  The truth is out there I can tell
  Don't look back and don't give in to their lies
  And goodbyes

  Northern Star

  Fulfil a longing in your heart
  And we will never be apart
  And if they dare to question you
  Just tell them that our love is true

  They buy your dreams so they can sell you soul
  Is it any wonder we've lost control?
  Feelings come
  Feelings go

  I have learned my lesson well
  The truth is out there I can tell
  Don't look back and don't succumb to their lies
  And goodbyes

  Live your life without regret
  Don't be someone who they forget
  When you're lost reach out for me
  And you'll see
  She's not far

  Northern Star

  I have learned my lesson well
  The truth is out there I can tell
  Don't look back and don't succumb to their lies
  And goodbyes

  Live your life without regret
  Don't be someone who they forget
  When you're lost reach out for me
  And you'll see
  锋历She's not far
  Northern Star

  搜银帆搜索 northern star 即轿哗可
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