
2023-04-07 23:53:36小小张说06:12 7730

I am Shou Chew and I'm from Singapore that's where  I was born as for my parents. And after serving in Singapore's military, I moved to the UK to attend college and then here to the US to attend Business School.I actually met my wife here. By the way, she was just born a few miles away from here in Virginia. 


Two years ago, I became the CEO of TikTok. Today, we have more than a billion monthly active users around the world, including over 150 million in the United States. Our app is a place where people can be creative and curious, and we're close to 5 million American businesses. Mostly small businesses, go to find new customers and to fuel their growth. 


Now, as TikTok has grown, we've tried to learn the lessons of companies that have come before us, especially when it comes to the safety of teenagers. While the vast majority of people on TikTok are over 18, and one of our fastest-growing demographics are people over 35. We spent a lot of time adopting measures to protect teenagers. Many of those measures are first for the social media industry. 


We forbid, direct messaging for people under 16, and we have a 16-minute watch time by default for those under 18. We have a suite of family pairing tools so that parents can participate in their teens' experience and make the choices that are right for their family.


We want TikTok to be a place where teenagers can come to learn which is why we recently launched a feed that exclusively features educational videos about STEM. STEM videos already have over 116 billion views on TikTok and I think TikTok is inspiring a new generation to discover a passion for Math and Science.


And I would also like to talk about national security concerns that you have raised that we take very, very seriously. Let me start by addressing a few misconceptions about ByteDance of which we are a subsidiary.


Still, we have heard important concerns about the potential for unwanted foreign access to U.S data and potential manipulation of The TikTok U.S ecosystem.Our approach has never been to dismiss or trivialize any of these concerns. We have addressed them with real action. 


Now trust is about actions we take. We have to earn their trust with decisions we make for our company and our products. The potential security, privacy, content manipulation concerns raised about TikTok are really not unique to us, the same issues to apply to other companies.


We believe what's needed are clear, transparent rules that apply broadly to all tech companies. Ownership is not at the core of addressing these concerns. Now, as I conclude there are more than 150 million Americans who love our platform and we know we have a responsibility to protect them which is why I'm making the following commitments to you and to all our users. 


Number one, we will keep safety particularly for teenagers as a top priority for us. Number two, we will firewall protected U.S data from unwanted foreign access. Number three, TikTok will remain a place for free expression and will not be manipulated by any government. And fourth, we will be transparent and we will give access to third party independent monitors to remain accountable for our commitments. I'll be grateful for any feedback that you have and I look forward to your questions. Thank you very much.



诸葛亮在赤壁之战前,出使东吴,说服孙权联合抗曹。 东吴一些主和的文人学者有意刁难诸葛亮,但诸葛亮凭借出众的智慧以及高超的口才把东吴那些文人学者驳得无言以对,终于不辱使命。 “舌战群儒”体现了诸葛亮高超的辩论才能。


舌战群儒 [ shé zhàn qún rú ] 意思:原指与众多的儒生谋士争辩,驳倒对方的论点/看法。后泛指与许多人激烈争辩并驳倒对方。 舌战:激烈争辩。 儒:多指读书人。  出自:明代罗贯中《三国演义》第43回:“诸葛亮舌战群儒。” 用法:作谓语、定语;指一个人的口才好,多含褒义,褒赞能言善辩者。 如:他在辩论比赛中,舌战群儒,带领小组获得了胜利。 近义词:唇枪舌战、舌战群雄 反义词:哑口无言、笨嘴拙舌、言不及义、张口结舌 造句:诸葛亮舌战群儒,鲁子敬力排众议。 诸葛亮舌战群儒的故事,是很值得欲施把柄的谈判人员研习的。 形容人能言善辩的成语:滔滔不绝、出口成章、口若悬河、妙语连珠、谈笑风生、语惊四座、娓娓而谈










舌战群儒之后的故事 下面有: 诸葛亮三气周瑜。一气:赤壁大战后,第二年,周瑜去夺取荆州,被诸葛亮抢先夺去。 二气:周瑜本想借把孙权的妹妹嫁给刘备,把刘备扣下,逼诸葛亮交出荆州,不料诸葛亮用计使周瑜“赔了夫人又折兵”。 三气:周瑜向刘备讨还荆州不利,又率兵攻打失败,结果病死了。临死前,他说:“既生瑜,何生亮!”便被自己活活的气死了。


是 舌战群儒 [shé zhàn qún rú] 基本释义 舌战:激烈争辩;儒:指读书人。指同很多人辩论,并驳倒对方。 出 处 明·罗贯中《三国演义》第43回:“诸葛亮舌战群儒。” 例 句 诸葛亮~,薛综谓刘玄德乃织席败履之徒。 ◎冯玉祥《我的生活》第32章




