The cat in the hat comes back part 2 戴高帽的猫又来了

2018-08-31 17:04:5709:46 1.2万








“I can clean up these rug spots before you count three! No spots are too hard for a Hat Cat like me!”


He ran into dad’s bedroom and then the cat said, “It is good that your dad has the right kind of bed.”


Then he shook the rug! CRACK! Now the bed had the spot! And all I could say was, “Now what, Cat? Now what?”


But the cat just stood still. He just looked at the bed. “This is not the right kind of bed,” the cat said. “To take spots off this bed will be hard,” said the cat. “I can’t do it alone,” said the Cat in the Hat.


“It is good I have some one to help me,” he said. “Right here in my hat on the top of my head! It is good that I have him here with me today. He helps me a lot. This is Little Cat A.”


And then Little Cat A took the hat off his head. “It is good I have some one to help me,” he said. “This is little Cat B. And I keep him about, and when I need help then I let him come out.”


And then B said, “I think we need Little Cat C. That spot is too much for the A cat and me. But now, have no fear! We will clean it away! The three of us! Little Cats B, C, and A!”

小猫B又接着说:“依我看,小猫C也得出场。这张床实在是太脏了,光靠我和小猫A还不够强。不过别担心,我们能清理干净,只要有我们三个,小猫A, B和C!”

“Come on! Take it away!” yelled little Cat A. “I will hit that old spot with this broom! Do you see? It comes off the bed! It goes on the T.V.”


And then Little Cat B cleaned up the T.V. He cleaned it with milk, put the spot in a pan! And then C blew it out of the house with a fan!


“But look where it went!” I said. “Look where it blew! You blew the mess out of the house. That is true. But now you made Snow Spots! You can’t let them stay!”


“Let us think about that now.” said C, B and A.

“让我们来想想办法。”说话的是小猫A, B和C.

“With some help, we can do it!” Said little Cat C:


Then POP! On his head we saw Little Cat D! Then,POP! POP! POP! Little Cats E, F, and G!


“We will clean up that snow if it takes us all day! If it takes us all night, we will clean it away!” Said little Cats G, F, E, D, C, B, A.


They ran out of the house then and we ran out, too. And the big cat laughed, “Now you will see something new! My cats are all clever. My cats are good shots. My cats have good guns. They will kill all those spots!”


But this did not look very clever to me. Kill snow spots with pop guns? That just could not be!


“All this does is make more spots!” We yelled at the cat. “Your cats are no good. Put them back in your hat.”


“Take your little cats G, F, E, D, C, B, A. Put them back in your hat and you take them away!”


“Oh, no!” said the cat. “All they need is more help. Help is all that they need. So keep still and don’t yelp.”


Then Little G took the hat off his head. “I have Little Cat H here to help us.” He said.


“Little Cats H, I, J, K, L, M. But our work is so hard we must have more than them. We need Little Cat N. We need O. We need P. We need Little Cats Q, R, S, T, U and V.”

现在又加上小猫H, I, J, K, L, M。不过我们的工作非同小可,我们需要的帮手比现在还要多。我们需要小猫N。我们需要小猫O。我们需要小猫P。我们需要小猫Q,R,S,T,U和V。“

“Come on! Kill those spots! Kill the mess!”yelled the cats. And they jumped at the snow with long rakes and red bats. They put it in pails and they made high pink hills! Pink snow men! Pink snow balls! And little pink pills!


Oh, the things that they did! And they did them so hard, it was all one big spot now all over the yard! But the Big Cat stood there and he said, “This is good. This is what they should do and I knew that they would. With a little more help all the work will be done. They need one more cat. And I know just the one.”


“Look close! In my hand I have Little Cat V. On his head are Cats W, X, Y and Z.”


“Z is too small to see. So don’t try. You cannot. But Z is the cat who will clean up the spot!”小猫Z小的没法看,不看也罢,你们都瞧不见的。可是Z能把污渍消除的不见踪影,它的作用非常关键。

“Now here is the Z you can’t see,” said the cat. ”And I bet you can’t guess what he has in his hat!”


“He has something called voom. Voom is so hard to get, you never saw anything like it, I打赌. Why, voom cleans up anything clean as canbe!” Then he yelled, “Take off your hat now! little cat Z, take your hat off head. Make it clean up the snow! Hurry! Your little cat! One! Two! Three! Go!”


Then the Voom… It went VOOM! And, oh boy! What a VOOM!


Now don’t ask me what Voom is. I will never know. But, boy! Let me tell you it does clean up snow!


“So you see!” laughed the cat, “Now your snow is all white! Now your work is all done! Now your house is all right! And you know where my little cats are?” Said the cat. “That Voom blew my little cats back in my hat. And so, if you ever have spots, now and then, I will be very happy to come here again…”


“…with Little Cats A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H,I, J, K, L, M, N, and O, P, and Q, R, S, T and cat U and cat V and little cats W, X, Y and Z!”

“会带着小猫A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H,I, J, K, L, M, N还有O, P,Q, R, S, T,U, V, W, X, Y, Z一起来这里的!”

Thanks for listening! I’m Joe.












In The Future



in the Post



in the snow

