
2018-09-05 13:24:2423:37 6.6万

Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.

1.A) Her grandfather.C) Her friend Erika.

B)Her grandmother.D) Her little brother.

2.A) By taking pictures for passers-by.C) By working part time at a hospital.

B)By selling lemonade and pictures.D) By asking for help on social media.

Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.

3.A) Testing the efficiency of the new solar panel.

B)Providing clean energy to five million people.

C)Generating electric power for passing vehicles.

D)Finding cheaper ways of highway construction.

4.A) They are only about half an inch thick.

B)They are made from cheap materials.

C)They can be laid right on top of existing highways.

D)They can stand the wear and tear of natural elements.

Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.

5.A) The lack of clues about the species.C) Endless fighting in the region.

B)Inadequate funding for research.D) The hazards from the desert.

6.A) To observe the wildlife in the two national parks.

B)To study the habitat of lions in Sudan and Ethiopia.

C)To identify the reasons for the lions’ disappearance.

D)To find evidence of the existence of the “lost lions”.

7.A) Lions’ tracks.C) Some camping facilities.

B)Lions walking.D) Traps set by local hunters.

Section B

Directions:In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation,  you  will  hear  four  questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C), and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1  with a  single  line  through the centre.

Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

8.A) A special gift from the man.C) A call from her dad.

B)Her wedding anniversary.D) Her ‘lucky birthday’.

9.A) Threw her a surprise party.C) Bought her a gold necklace.

B)Took her on a trip overseas.D) Gave her a big model plane.

10.A) What her husband and the man are up to.

B)What has been troubling her husband.

C)The trip her husband has planned.

D)The gift her husband has bought.

11.A) He wants to find out about the couple’s holiday plan.

B)He is eager to learn how the couple’s holiday turns out.

C)He will tell the women the secret if her husband agrees.

D)He will be glad to be a guide for the couple’s holiday trip.

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

12.A) They take the rival’s attitude into account.

B)They know when to adopt a tough attitude.

C)They see the importance of making compromises.

D)They are sensitive to the dynamics of a negotiation.

13.A) They know when to stop.C) They know when to make compromises.

B)They know how to adapt.D) They know how to control their emotion.

14.A) They are patient.C) They are good at expression.

B)They learn quickly.D) They uphold their principles.

15.A) Clarify items of negotiation.C) Get to know the other side.

B)Make clear one's intentions.D) Formulate one's strategy.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After  you hear a  question,  you must choose  the  best  answer from the four

choices marked A), B), C), D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single  line through the   centre.

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

16.A) How space research benefits people on Earth.

B)When the International Space Station was built.

C)How many space shuttle missions there will be.

D)When America's earliest space program started.

17.A) They tried to make best use of the latest technology.

B)They tried to meet astronauts' specific requirements.

C)They developed objects for astronauts to use in outer space.

D)They accurately calculated the speed of the orbiting shuttles.

18.A) They are expensive to make.C) They were first made in space.

B)They are extremely accurate.D) They were invented in the 1970s.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.

19.A) Everything was natural and genuine then.

B)People had plenty of land to cultivate then.

C)It marked the beginning of something new.

D)It was when her ancestors came to America.

20.A) They were known to be creative.C) They had all kinds of entertainment.

B)They enjoyed living a living a life of ease. D) They believed in working for goals.

21.A) Chatting with her ancestors.C) Furnishing her country house.

B)Doing needlework by the fire.D) Polishing all the silver work.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

22.A) Sit down and try to calm yourself.C) Use a map to identify your location.

B)Call your family or friends for help.D) Try to follow your footprints back.

23.A) You may end up entering a wonderland.

B)You may get drowned in a sudden flood.

C)You may expose yourself to unexpected dangers.

D)You may find a way out without your knowing it.

24.A) Wait patiently.C) Start a fire.

B)Look for food.D) Walk uphill.

25.A) Check the local weather.C) Prepare enough food and drink.

B)Find a map and a compass.D) Inform somebody of your plan.


News Report One

(1)A 9-year-old girl in New Mexico has raised more than $500 for her little brother who needs heart surgery in  Houston, Texas this July. Addison Witulski’s grandmother Kim Allred, said Addison probably overheard a conversation between family members talking about the funds needed to get her little brother to treatment. "I guess she overheard  her grandfather and me talking about how we're worried about how we're going to get to Houston, for my grandson's heart surgery," said Allred.  (2)  “She  decided to go  outside  and have  a  lemonade  stand and make  some drawings and pictures    and sell them.” That's when Addison and  her friends Erika  and  Emily  Borden  decided  to  sell lemonade  for  50 cents a cup and  sell pictures for 25 cents each. Before Allred knew it, New Mexico State Police Officers were among the many stopping by  helping them reach a total of $568. The family turned to social media expressing their gratitude saying, "From the bottom of our  hearts, we would  like  to deeply thank each and every  person that stopped   by!"

1.D 2.B

News Report Two

(3)Last week, France announced that the country will pave 621 miles of road with solar panels over the next five years,with the goal of providing cheap, renewable energy to five million people. Called “the Ward Way,” the roads will be built through joint efforts with the French road building company Colas and the National  Institute  of  Solar  Energy.  The company spent the  last  five  years developing solar panels that are  only  about a  quarter of inch thick and are  strong enough     to stand up to heavy highway traffic without breaking or making the roads more slippery. (4-1)The panels are also designed so that they can be installed directly on top of the existing roadways, making them relatively cheap and easy to install. France is the first country to kick around the idea of paving its roads with solar panels. In November 2015, the Netherlands completed a 229-foot long bike path paved with solar panels as a test for future projects. (4-2)However, this is the first time   a panel has been designed to be laid directly on top existing roads and the  first  project  to  install  the  panels  on  public  highways.

3.B 4.C

News Report Three

Lions have disappeared from much of Africa, but for the past few years scientists have wondered if the big cats were hanging on in remote parts of Sudan and Ethiopia.  (5)Continuous fighting in  the  region has made  surveys difficult.  (6) But scientists released a report Monday documenting with hard evidence the discovery of "lost lions." A team with   Oxford University’s Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, supported by a charity organization, spent two nights in November camping in a national park in northwest Ethiopia on the Ethiopia-Sudan border.(7)The researchers set out six camera  traps capturing images of lions, and the identified lion tracks. The scientists concluded that lions are also likely to live in a neighboring national park across the border in Sudan. The International Union for Conservation of Nature had previously considered the area a "possible range" for the species, and local people had reported seeing lions in the area, but no one presented convincing evidence.

5.C6.D 7.A

Section B

Conversation One

M: (8-1)I beg you’re looking forward to  the  end of this month, Aren’t you?  W: Yes, I am. How did you know?

M: David told me you had a special birthday coming up.

W: (8-2)Oh, yes. That’s right.  This year  would be  my golden birthday. M: What does that mean? I’ve never heard of a golden birthday.

W: I’ve actually just learned of this concept myself. Fortunately, just in time to celebrate. (8-3)A golden or lucky birthday is when one turns the age of their birth date. (9)So, for example, my sister’s birthday is December 9th and her golden birthday would have been the year she turns 9 years old.  Come  to think  of it ,  my parents did  throw her a surprise  party  that year.

M: Interesting. Too bad I missed mine. My golden birthday would’ve been four years ago. I assumedly got a big plan then.

W: Actually yes. My husband is planning a surprise holiday for the two of us next week. I have  no idea  what he’s  gotten in  mind, but I’m excited to find out. Has he mentioned anything to you?

M: He might have.

W: Anything you’d like to share? (10)I’m dying to know what kind of trip he has planned where we’re going. M: Yeah,  nothing at all.

W: Not a clue. Hard to imagine, isn’t it! Though I must say, I think it has been even more fun keeping the secret for me the past few weeks.

M: I’m sure both of you will have a fantastic time. Happy golden birthday!  (11)I can’t wait to hear all about it when you get back.

Questions 8 and 11 are based on the news report you have just heard.





Conversation Two W: Mr. Green, What do you think makes a successful negotiator?

M: Well, It does hard to  define,  but  I  think  successful negotiators  have  several things  in  common.  They  are  always  polite and rational people, they are firm, but flexible. They can recognize power and know how to use it. (12)They are sensitive to the dynamics in the negotiation, the way it raises and falls, and how may change the direction. They project the  image  of confidence.   (13)And perhaps most importantly,  they know  when to  stop.

W: And what about an unsuccessful negotiator?

M: Well, this probably all of us when we start out. We are probably immature and over-trusting, too emotional or aggressive. We are unsure of ourselves and want to be liked by everyone. (14)Good negotiators learn fast, pool negotiators remain like that and go  on losing  negotiations.

W: In your opinion, can the skills of negotiation be taught?

M: Well, you can teach someone how to prepare for negotiation. (15)There’re perhaps six  stages  in  every negotiation:  get  to know the other side; stay your goals; start the process; clarify there is a disagreement or conflict; reassess your position, making acceptable compromises; and finally reach some agreement in principals. These stages can be studied, and strategies to be  used in each can be planned before-hand.  But I think the  really successful negotiator  is probably born     with the sixth sense that may respond properly to the situation at hand.

W: The artistic sense you just described? M: Yes, that’s right





Section C

Passage One

Some people wonder why countries spend millions of dollars on space projects. (16)They want to know how space research helps people on Earth. Actually, space technology helps people on earth every day. This is called “spin-off technology.” Spin-off technology is space technology that is now used on Earth.  (17)In  early  space  programs,  such as  the Apollo missions of the 1960s and 1970s, and in the space shuttle missions today, scientists developed objects for the astronauts to use on the moon and in space. We now use some of these objects every day. (18)For example, we have quartz crystal clocks and watches accurate to within one minute a  year.  We  purify  the  water we  drink with the  water filter designed for the astronauts’ use in space. The cordless hand-held  tools we  use  in  our  homes,  such as  vacuum cleaners,  flashlights,  drills and saws came from the technology of these early space programs. On cold winter days, we can stay warm with  battery-operated gloves and socks, and specially-made coats and jackets. All these clothes are similar to  the  spacesuit designs that kept astronauts comfortable in the temperatures of the moon, and are spin-offs from space technology.  These  products are only a few examples of the many ways space technology helps us in our everyday lives. No one knows how new spin-off technology from the International Space Station will help us in the future.



18. B。

Passage Two

(19)Well, if I could go back in history and live, I'd like to go back to the 18th century and perhaps in colonial America in Yankee New England where one of my ancestors lived, because it was the beginning of something. By the 18th century, there was a feeling of community that had grown. My ancestor  was  a  preacher  traveling around  the  countryside. People lived in  small communities.  There  were  fisherman and farmers who provided fresh food  that tasted and looked like  food. unlike that in today’s supermarkets, and there were small towns and New York wasn't that far  away.  (20)I'm deeply  attached to the  Puritan tradition,  not  in  a  religious sense,  but they believed in working for  something,  working for  goals,  and I like that. They worked hard at whatever they did, but they had a sense of achievement. They believed in goodness, in community, and helping one another. I love it. the colonial fabrics, all the silver work, the furnishings, the combination of elegance simplicity. I love it. The printing, the books, I’m very attached to all that kind of thing. That may not all be very entertaining in the modern sense of the world, (21)but I would have enjoyed spending my evenings in that environment, discussing new  ideas,  building a  new world, And  I can see  myself sitting on a  small chair by the  fire  doing needlework.




Passage Three

If you are lost in the woods, a little knowledge can turn what some people call a hardship into an enjoyable stay away from the troubles of modern society. (22)When you  think  you're  lost,  sit down  on  the  log or  rock,  or lean against the  tree,  and recite something you have memorized to bring your mind to a point where it is under control. Don’t run blindly. If you must move, don't follow a stream unless you know it, and in that case you're not lost. (23)Streams normally flow through wetland before they reach a lake or a river. Though there are more eatable plants, there may also be wild animals, poisonous snakes, and other hazards. (24)Many experts feel it’s wisest to walk uphill. At the top of most hills and mountains are trails leading back to civilization. If there are no trails, you're much easier to be seen on top of a hill. and you may even spot a highway or a railroad from this point. Nowadays, the first way someone will search for you is by air. In a wetland  or  in  dense growth, you're very hard to spot. (25)Anytime  you  go  into  the  woods,  somebody  should  know  where  you're  going, and when you’re expected to return. Also when someone comes looking, you should be able to signal to them.

22. A。

23. C。

24.  A。

25. D。



























