
2018-12-02 21:44:2612:31 167

Trump 在交易的艺术中,讲到了他做交易的11张王牌,其中第一张就是Think Big。 所以他大学毕业后并没有仅仅满足于在Brooklin 和爸爸一起收房租来发展自己, 他一直向往Manhattan。他大学一毕业时,还是一边在Brooklin给父亲帮工,但同时他已经将目光投向了Manhatton----只是曼哈顿的房价太高了,以他当时的财力根本支付不起,后来毕业后三年到了1971年,Trump就在曼哈顿租了个小公寓,

我们看看Trump在Manhattan 租下的这个studio 的一些情况吧,大家可以从以下几个点了解一下这个studio:


The turning point came in 1971, when I decided to rent a Manhattan apartment. It was a studio, in a building on Third Avenue and 75th Street, and it looked out on the water tank in the court of the adjacent building. I jokingly referred to my apartment as a penthouse, because it did happen to be near the top floor of the building. I also tried to divide it up so that it would seem bigger. But no matter what I did, it was still a dark, dingy little apartment.


Even so, I loved it. Moving into that apartment was probably more exciting for me than moving, fifteen years later, into the top three floors of Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue and 57th Street overlooking Central Park.


The really important thing was that by virtue of this move I became much more familiar with Manhattan. I began to walk the streets in a way you never do if you just come in to visit or do business. I got to know all the good properties. I became a city guy instead of a kid from the boroughs.

Trump对自己当时能在Manhattan 的情景还是非常乐观、自信的, 他说他拥有这个世界上最好的东西:年轻和活力。 他住在Manhattan,虽然他也和其他上班租一样通勤于曼哈顿和Brooklin之间。

在曼哈顿落脚后, Trump认为他必须要加入一个高档会所Le Club,因为那是Manhattan成功人士的聚集地,那里有漂亮妹子,更有各种富有的而成功的男士。Trump 做事情好像总是追求简洁而且直接, Le Club 并不是随便谁都可以加入的, 你必须有人介绍入会, 但Trump 一个New York 外围地区的无名之辈,在Manhattan哪里认识什么有识之士呢? 但他就是采用最简单直接的方式:直接打电话给Club,直接告诉对方说我是Trump, 我想加入你们俱乐部;结果被拒了, 然后第二天继续打电话, 仍然被拒,第三天继续,说我有东西要给你们主席,你把主席的联系方式给我。 结果对方就真的给了他俱乐部主席的联系方式。 年轻的Trump就开始给主席打电话, 继续介绍自己是谁, 为什么要加入Club, 结果就那么神奇地吊起了主席的胃口, 对方想见见Trump。 于是Trump 在和对方见过两次,一次是对方喝得酩酊大醉, 一次是还比较清醒,最终Trump 就如愿加入了这家纽约高级的成功人士俱乐部。

所以有时最简单的方式就是去做, 去尝试, 带着信心和热情地去推销自己,当我们迸发出生命活力时,也就是我们最有魅力的时候。

加入了Club, 也的确见识了那里的男男女女, 他们中有他看得上的, 有和他处得来的,也有很多后来Trump Tower 和Trump Plaza的客户。而一位聪明而强势的律师Roy Cohn 对帮助Trump 在Manhattan 扎根并融入那个交易圈起了很大作用。 在Trump看来虽然他不清楚Roy是否真的有参与一些违法的事情, 但Roy 的能力, 强势以及对朋友的忠诚是Trump最为欣赏的。

have one's eye on sth: 相中某物

net worth: 净资产

studio: n. 大开间;工作室

adjacent: adj. 毗邻的

penthouse: n. 顶层公寓;阁楼

dingy: adj. 肮脏的

Upper East Side: 上东区,是著名的名流聚集地

by virtue of: 凭借

borough: n. 城区

commute: vi. 通勤:

exclusive: 排外的

blonde: n. 金发女郎

for some reason: 不知怎么地

fellas: n. 伙计们

put sb up: 推荐某人

misgiving: n. 疑虑

be tempted to do sth: 被诱惑或有倾向做某事

devoted: adj. 忠心的;忠诚的

be admitted to: 被接纳;被录取

a great move: 大举动;重要的一步

get involved with: 亲近

vain: adj. 自恃清高的

phony: n. 骗子;虚伪的人

delay: vt. 延迟

I'm just not built that way.: 这不是我的作风

fold: vi. 妥协

intrigued: adj. 感兴趣的

discriminate against: 歧视

prestigious: adj. 有名望的

tenant: n. 租户;房客

have no obligation to do sth: 没有义务做某事

handle the case: 处理这件事

take on: 接手

unbeatable: adj. 无敌的

get away with: 侥幸逃脱

push for: 努力实现

postponement: n. 延迟

under indictment: 被起诉

charge: n. 指控;罪名

invariably: adv. 一定地;总是地

be almost synonymous with: 几乎等同于

wimp: n. 懦弱的人

speak out against: 公然反对

go to bat: 坐牢

two-faced: adj. 两面派的

integrity: n. 正直

stab: vt. 捅刀子

bail out: 叛逃

过目不忘: he has a photographic memory and could argue the facts from his head.

get away with it: 侥幸逃脱或者侥幸办成

He could sometimes get away with it.

He once told me that he'd spent more than two thirds of his alult life under indictment on one charge or another:

under indictment : 被起诉

go overboard to avoid it: 过分地回避: go overboard: 过分爱好;狂热追求;爱走极端;过长


The turning point came in 1971, when I decided to rent a Manhattan apartment. It was a studio, in a building on Third Avenue and 75th Street, and it looked out on the water tank in the court of the adjacent building. I jokingly referred to my apartment as a penthouse, because it did happen to be near the top floor of the building. I also tried to divide it up so that it would seem bigger. But no matter what I did, it was still a dark, dingy little apartment. Even so, I loved it. Moving into that apartment was probably more exciting for me than moving, fifteen years later, into the top three floors of Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue and 57th Street overlooking Central Park.

I was young, and I had a lot of energy, and I was living in Manhattan, even though I commuted back to Brooklyn to work.

what makes you think you should be admitted as a member

I have a father who has always been a rock, very straight and very solid

I married a very beautiful woman, but a woman who also happens to be a rock, just like my mother and father.

He had a photographic memory and could argue the facts from his head.

Even then, he was so brilliant that he could sometimes get away with it. Unfortunately, he could also be a disaster, and so I would always question Roy very closely before a court date. If he wasn't prepared, I'd push for a postponement.

Just compare that with all the hundreds of "respectable" guys who make careers out of boasting about their uncompromising integrity but have absolutely no loyalty. They think only about what's best for them and don't think twice about stabbing a friend in the back if the friend becomes a problem. What I liked most about Roy Cohn was that he would do just the opposite. Roy was the sort of guy who'd be there at your hospital bed, long after everyone else had bailed out, literally standing by you to the death.





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