2016年6月期 第13集(06.17)今日话题:hometown

2016-06-17 08:19:4327:08 121
20160617 Morning Voice Fighting! MV476天]《hometown


Q.  Is your home town changing?

A.  Yes it is changing. As every place of the world is transforming because of education and technology, my village is changing as well. Though the changes are not so visible or drastic, but I have to accept that it is getting better over the past few decades in terms of education, transportation facilities, healthcare system, employment and infrastructure development. I have heard it from my grandparents that they were not even equipped with the facilities which we have now. The thing is that now everyone in my village is getting education and they really know what’s happening in the rest of the world and therefore are trying to implement everything to have better lifestyle and other facilities.


l not so visible or drastic 不那么明显或剧烈感受词搭】


Q.  Would you say it is a good place to live? Why?

A.  Obviously, it is a nice place to live in. If fact it is an excellent place to live in as you can enjoy the serenity and tranquility of the nature, fresh and organic foods and also can enjoy many modern world facilities like internet. Many people are just annoyed about the hustle and bustle of city life and they would find this village to be a piece of heaven. Fresh air, clean environment, friendly people, healthy food, simple lifestyle, some modern facilities and green environment are the main attraction of my village. What else do we need to live a good life? I would say it is a wonderful place to live.

l a nice place to live in 一个好的居住地【感受词搭】

l the main attraction of my village 我家乡主要的吸引人的地方【感受词搭—探索心灵】

l are just annoyed about the hustle and bustle of city life 只是恼火城市生活的喧嚣 【感受词搭】



l are just annoyed about the hustle and bustle of city life 只是恼火城市生活的喧嚣 【感受词搭】

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