street food 5

2022-10-25 07:10:1802:36 14
Todd: And they often do that themselves.
Natalie: Yeah.
Todd: Even if you don't ask. I've always wondered if they'll just flop it back on there really fast. Another thing that I love that they do in Thailand, too, is if you go to ... it's similar to the street food ... it's the hole-in-the-wall place where literally it's like a room with no door, and it's kind of an outdoor restaurant, and they have the hot water bucket, and you dip your spoon and fork in the hot water bucket. It's the most brilliant idea. It's something that almost restaurants should do, you know what I mean?
Natalie: Yeah, it's ingenious.
Todd: Yeah, I love that. It's like, "Okay, let's just sterilize it real fast."
Natalie: Yeah, so the idea is that the water's usually hot or boiling, so it will kill any bacteria that's on it. If you go to a street food place and perhaps they don't have that but they do have a table and chairs set up ... you get a box, usually, like a rectangular metal box ... and that has your chopsticks in it, or it has your spoon in it, or your knife and ... eh, we don't use knives in Thailand. It would be a spoon and a fork. Just use a napkin, wipe it down before you use it. They will have cleaned it before. I've never had any issue. But if you're not sure, just wipe it down with a napkin. There are always napkins.
Todd: Yeah, it's so clever.





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