Lesson 3

2022-05-11 11:54:1318:51 289

[00:08.66]Lesson 3
[00:10.52]violate vt. 违反;亵渎;侵犯
[00:15.39]“How could you read my letters? You violated my privacy!”
[00:19.97]Lucy yelled to her mother.
[00:30.14]violent a. 暴力引起的;猛烈的
[00:34.64]English soccer fans were often involved
[00:37.01]in violent clashes with the police.
[00:45.44]violet n. 紫罗兰 a. 紫色的
[00:50.12]chill vt. 使变冷 n. 寒冷;风寒
[00:55.54]The freezing weather chilled me to the bone.
[01:05.21]chin n. 下巴
[01:08.20]steak n. 牛排
[01:11.90]stack n. 整齐的一叠 vt. 堆放于
[01:16.84]There’s always a whole stack of bills
[01:19.62](telephone bill, gas bill, and power bill)
[01:22.87]waiting to be paid every month.
[01:33.41]adapt vt. 使适应;修改 vi. (to)适应
[01:37.32]Having lived in Guangzhou for years,
[01:40.26]some people still can’t adapt (themselves)
[01:43.41]to the hot and humid weather.
[01:53.29]adopt vt. 收养;采用;批准
[01:59.12]Circumstances will force us finally to adopt this policy.
[02:09.72]amazing a. 令人吃惊的,惊人的
[02:14.41]amusing a. 有趣的
[02:17.44]I don’t find the joke at all amusing.
[02:24.86]toast n. 烤面包;祝酒辞 vt. 烘,烤;为…干杯
[02:33.77]Let’s toast our friendship! 让我们为友谊干杯!
[02:38.73]boast vi.(of, about)夸耀
[02:41.84]vt. 夸口;以拥有…而自豪 n. 自吹自擂
[02:45.20]Nobody should boast of his learning.
[02:52.31]inspiration n. 灵感;鼓舞人心的人(或事物)
[02:58.64]Poets and artists often draw their inspiration from nature.
[03:09.02]aspiration n. 强烈的愿望
[03:12.98]Young Edison had a strong aspiration to be an inventor.
[03:23.03]contest n. 竞赛;争夺 vt. 争夺;对…提出质疑
[03:29.51]context n. 背景;上下文
[03:33.55]We should judge the past in its historical context.
[03:42.80]altitude n. 高度;(pl.)高处
[03:47.81]attitude n. 态度;姿势
[03:51.79]Whatever happens,
[03:53.22]we should maintain a positive attitude towards life.
[04:04.52]beam n.(光线等的)束;梁;笑容 vi. 面露喜色 vt. 播送
[04:12.38]The captain beamed with satisfaction.
[04:20.23]bean n. 豆
[04:23.20]annoy vt. 使烦恼,打扰
[04:27.71]The mosquitoes annoyed me so much
[04:29.69]that I couldn't sleep.
[04:35.37]annual a. 每年的 n. 年报
[04:39.69]When interviewed for a job,
[04:41.85]you will be asked about your expected annual income.
[04:53.51]boom n. 激增,繁荣;隆隆声 vi. 繁荣;发出隆隆声
[04:59.44]In a city with booming industry,
[05:02.12]land is precious and cannot be extravagantly used for traffic.
[05:17.43]bloom n. 花;开花(期);青春焕发(的时期)vi. 开花
[05:23.79]Chinese plum flowers bloom in cold winters.
[05:27.69]/ Chinese plum flowers are in bloom in cold winters.
[05:36.22]bulb n. 电灯泡;球状物
[05:40.97]bulk n.(巨大)物体;主体;(大)量
[05:45.85]vi. 变得越来越大(或重要)vt. 使更大(或更厚)
[05:50.20]The bulk of the chickens had to be killed
[05:53.28]because of the bird flu virus.
[06:02.62]bribe vt./n. 贿赂
[06:05.36]The French minister was accused
[06:07.07]of having taken bribes in the arms deal.
[06:17.74]bride n. 新娘
[06:21.24]cancel vt. 取消;抵消;划掉
[06:26.01]The concert of that has-been star was canceled
[06:30.26]because 90% of the tickets were unsold.
[06:42.82]cancer n. 癌
[06:46.09]alter v. 改变
[06:49.09]Vivian Chow’s face hasn’t altered much over the years.
[07:00.28]auto n. 汽车
[07:03.23]circular a. 圆形的;循环的 n. 通知
[07:08.57]Most stadiums are circular.
[07:15.80]circulate v.(使)循环;散布
[07:20.35]Those who circulate false news should be condemned.
[07:28.90]confess v. 坦白;承认
[07:32.53]It’s commendable that a teacher has the courage
[07:35.48]to confess to having made mistakes to his students.
[07:48.19]confuse vt. 使困惑;混淆;混乱
[07:53.65]Don’t give me so much information--you're confusing me!
[08:03.18]avoid vt. 避免
[08:06.38]Some universities offer courses on sex education
[08:10.95]to teach college students
[08:12.46]how to avoid premature and unsafe sex.
[08:30.41]award vt. 授予;判给 n. 奖
[08:36.29]Martin Luther King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964
[08:42.72]for advocating nonviolence in the movement for civil rights.
[09:00.37]crash v. 碰撞,坠落;发出撞击声;垮台
[09:07.07]n. 碰撞;破裂声
[09:08.47]The plane crashed shortly after it took off.
[09:16.22]crush vt. 压碎;镇压
[09:19.66]Time will crush all pains.
[09:26.34]economic a. 经济的n. (-s)经济学;经济状况
[09:32.03]The economic situation is not good
[09:34.99]in many developing countries.
[09:42.52]economical a. 节约的,经济的
[09:46.83]Some villages are equipped
[09:48.72]with a modern and economical heating system.
[09:58.86]dumb a. 哑的;沉默的
[10:02.87]I was struck dumb with astonishment.
[10:09.83]dump vt. 倾卸;倾销 n. 垃圾场
[10:15.34]At the UN General Assembly,
[10:17.88]some representatives from African countries accused the West of
[10:22.34]dumping out-of-date machines on Third World countries.
[10:38.12]expand v. 扩张;膨胀
[10:41.95]The Nokia company wants to expand its market in Asia.
[10:51.97]extend vt. 延伸;扩大;提供 vi. 延伸;达到
[10:57.66]The Great Wall extends as far as the Jiayu Pass.
[11:07.81]defect n. 缺点 vi. 叛变
[11:12.30]I think there are still lots of defects in our educational system.
[11:22.78]detect vt. 发现;查明
[11:26.95]The tests are designed to detect the disease early.
[11:36.11]genius n. 天才
[11:39.40]Mozart was a genius at music.
[11:45.96]genuine a. 非人造的;真诚的
[11:51.20]Shoes made of genuine leather are more expensive,
[11:54.92]but are more comfortable and more durable.
[12:04.73]historic a. 历史上著名的,
[12:11.50]July 13, 2001 has become a historic day for China
[12:18.14]--Beijing succeeded in the 2008 Olympic bid.
[12:36.54]historical a. 历史(上)的
[12:41.14]Pocahontas is a real historical American Indian figure,
[12:46.14]but the Hollywood cartoon movie--
[12:48.59]Pocahontas has twisted the historical facts about her.
[13:07.29]heal vt. 使愈合,使康复;调停 vi. 愈合
[13:12.37]Time heals all sorrows. 时间会治愈一切忧伤。
[13:18.80]heel n. 脚后跟,后跟
[13:22.65]royal a. 王室的
[13:25.67]loyal a. 忠诚的
[13:29.15]We should be loyal to our motherland.
[13:35.87]minus prep. 减(去)n. 负数;减号 a. 负的
[13:41.18]minor a. 较小的;次要的
[13:44.89]n. 未成年人;副修 vi.(in)副修
[13:47.80]The actresses are always given a minor part
[13:50.77]in the famous movie James Bond.
[13:59.99]numerous a. 众多的
[14:03.10]New York City’s numerous skyscrapers
[14:05.81]give the city its special character.
[14:15.71]humo(u)rous a. 幽默的
[14:19.06]phase n. 阶段;方面;相位 vt. 分阶段实行
[14:26.64]The government is going to phase out the old pension system
[14:30.60]and phase in the new one over the next five years.
[14:44.84]phrase n. 短语 vt. 用语言表达
[14:50.86]policy n. 政策;保险单
[14:54.74]Honesty is the best policy. 诚实不欺为上策。
[15:01.44]polish vt. 磨光;润色 n. 擦光剂
[15:06.98]The statement was carefully polished
[15:09.00]and checked before release.
[15:17.92] principal a. 主要的 n. 校长;资本;主角
[15:24.46]Coffee is Brazil’s principal export.
[15:32.01]principle n. 原则;基本信念
[15:36.46]On the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence,
[15:40.74]there can be reasonable dialogues between any two governments.
[15:56.41]skim vt. 撇;掠过;浏览,略读 vi. 浏览,略读
[16:03.18]Give me a moment to skim (through) these memos
[16:05.57]before the meeting.
[16:13.24]scheme n. 计划;阴谋 v. 密谋
[16:18.78]We are carrying out our scheme
[16:20.69]for expanding business overseas.
[16:27.88]site n. 位置,场所 vt. 使坐落在
[16:35.17]cite vt. 引用;传唤;表彰
[16:39.77]The minister cited the latest crime figures
[16:43.06]as proof of the need for more police.
[16:53.06]sauce n. 调味汁,作料
[16:57.68]Hunger is the best sauce.
[17:06.21]source n. 源(泉),发源地;来源
[17:11.81]When writing an academic article,
[17:13.91]always list your sources.
[17:21.88]staff n. 全体职工,全体人员 vt. 为…配备(人员)
[17:30.69]The university’s staff is excellent.
[17:38.86]stuff n. 原料,材料 vt. 填进,塞满;让…吃饱
[17:47.14]Real life is the stuff of all good novels.
[17:56.75]action n. 行动;作用;情节
[18:01.83]To occupy the market of E-business in China,
[18:06.02]rapid action is needed.
[18:13.98]auction n./vt. 拍卖
[18:16.99]anchor n. 锚;给人安全感之物(或人)
[18:22.27]v. 抛锚;固定;担任主持人
[18:27.13]Make sure the table is securely anchored.
[18:33.99]angle n. 角度;立场 vt. 把…放置成一角度;
[18:40.69]You can look at the issue from many different angles.
[18:49.24]ankle n. 踝





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