Lesson 4

2022-09-12 23:59:1521:07 268

[00:08.96]Lesson 4
[00:11.25]overtake vt. 超过;突然降临于
[00:16.81]After only two years in the American market,
[00:20.23]our US sales have now overtaken our sales in Europe.
[00:33.41]panic n. 惊慌 v.(使)恐慌
[00:35.95]SARS or atypical pneumonia
[00:38.50]once caused a great panic among people.
[00:47.95]quit v. 停止,放弃;离开
[00:53.20]It’s not easy to quit smoking and drinking.
[01:00.75]rid vt.(of)使摆脱,从…中清除
[01:06.46]Some multi-national companies will lay off redundant staff
[01:10.59]in order to rid themselves
[01:11.97]of (=to be/get rid of) their financial worries.
[01:25.31]shave vt. 剃,刮 vi./n. 刮脸
[01:29.99]leap vi. 跳,跃;急速行动
[01:33.64]vt. 跃过 n. 跳跃;激增
[01:34.88]Look before you leap.
[01:39.70]melt v.(使)融化;(使)消散
[01:44.19]Don’t skate on the lake. The ice is melting.
[01:53.03]mislead vt. 使误解;把…带错路;把…带坏
[02:00.20]Juveniles lacking social experience are likely to
[02:03.80]be misled by strange people’s appearance.
[02:13.89]misunderstand vt. 误解
[02:17.43]overcome vt. 克服;压倒
[02:22.54]The Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team overcame
[02:25.53]a lot of difficulty to win the match.
[02:35.34]dive n./vi. 潜水;俯冲
[02:39.44]He who would search for pearls must dive below.
[02:50.79]flee vi. 逃走 vt. 避开
[02:54.20]Japanese people are used to quickly fleeing
[02:57.05]from buildings in an event of an earthquake.
[03:07.74]fling vt. 扔;使投身
[03:11.61]n. 尽情欢乐的一阵
[03:13.86]After the divorce he flung himself
[03:16.31]into his work to forget her.
[03:25.20]forbid vt. 禁止
[03:28.21]Madonna forbids her children (to watch/watching) TV
[03:33.86]because she thinks TV programs will corrupt their souls.
[03:47.69]forecast n./vt. 预测
[03:50.68]Environmentalists forecast that we will destroy our planet
[03:54.43]if we go on polluting it as we are today.
[04:08.19]grind vt. 磨碎;(down)折磨
[04:12.26]vi. 摩擦得吱吱作响 n. 苦差事
[04:16.15]Some cafes grind fresh coffee beans to make coffee
[04:19.65]in a traditional way,
[04:21.64]but of course they sell it at a higher price.
[04:35.78]heave v. 举起;发出;起伏;呕吐 n. 举起
[04:42.16]The sailors all heaved on the rope in the storm.
[04:52.38]kneel vi. 跪
[04:54.79]knit vt. 编结;使紧凑;皱紧 vi. 编结;(折骨)愈合
[05:02.24]lean v. 倾斜;靠 a. 瘦的;贫乏的
[05:08.54]Romeo leaned the ladder against the house
[05:11.24]and climbed up to the window.
[05:19.23]blend v. (使)混和 n. 混合物;混和
[05:23.85]I like a blend of coffee and tea. /
[05:27.14]I like to blend coffee and tea.
[05:34.86]breed n. 品种 vi. 繁殖 vt. 繁殖;养育;酿成
[05:41.47]Rural life produces a strong and tough breed of people.
[05:53.96]cast vt. 投射;投;丢弃;蜕(皮);浇铸
[06:00.82]n. 演员表;石膏绷带
[06:04.23]The tree casts its shadow on the window.
[06:11.78]cling vi.(to)紧紧抓住(或抱住);黏着;依恋;坚持
[06:19.14]The little boy clung to his mother’s skirt in fear.
[06:28.02]creep vi. 爬行;蹑手蹑足地走
[06:30.81]Children learn to creep before they can go.
[06:38.98]arise vi. 出现;(from)引起;起身
[06:44.55]Accidents usually arise from carelessness.
[06:54.90]bet v. 打赌;确信 n. 打赌;赌金
[07:00.28]I bet him ten dollars
[07:01.88]that Kerry would win the presidential election, but I lost.
[07:14.66]bid n. 企图;投标 vi. 投标 vt. 出(价);祝;命令
[07:20.88]The company submitted a bid
[07:23.49]for the contract to clean the hospital.
[07:31.59]bind vt. 捆绑;使结合;约束;装订
[07:38.24]The hostage was bound hand and foot.
[07:46.08]bleed vi. 流血 vt. 勒索…的钱
[07:51.50]Teddy lay on the ground, bleeding profusely.
[08:00.55]shed vt. 脱落;流出;发出;摆脱 n. 棚屋
[08:07.36]To shed crocodile tears means to cry
[08:09.99]when someone is not really sad or sorry.
[08:22.60]shrink vi. 收缩;退缩 vt. 使收缩
[08:27.35]This detergent won’t shrink wool.
[08:34.35]slide v.(使)滑动;(使)悄悄地移动
[08:40.04]n. 滑动;滑道;幻灯片
[08:42.65]The euro continues to slide.
[08:47.74]sow vt. 播(种)
[08:50.51]Whatever a man sows,
[08:52.17]that he will also reap.
[09:00.32]spill v.(使)溢出,(使)洒落 n. 溢出
[09:04.42]It’s no use crying over spilt milk!
[09:18.56]thrive vi. 兴旺,繁荣
[09:20.88]A business cannot thrive without investment or good management.
[09:32.48]thrust vt. 挤;刺 vi.(at)戳 n. 刺;要点;推力
[09:38.13]undergo vt. 经历,遭受
[09:42.50]Mother’s weather-beaten face shows the great hardship
[09:45.81]that she had undergone in both her childhood and youth.
[10:01.19]undertake vt. 承担;同意,保证
[10:06.67]Who should undertake the responsibility for white pollution?
[10:10.68]The producer or the consumer?
[10:19.91]undo vt. 解开;取消
[10:23.94]It’s not too late to try and undo some of the damage.
[10:33.66]stride vi. 大踏步走 n. 大步;步法;(常pl.)进展
[10:41.09]The policemen strode along the road.
[10:48.47]string n. 弦,线,细绳;一串
[10:55.04]vt. 用线串;悬挂
[10:58.10]I have broken a string in my tennis racket.
[11:06.87]swear v. 诅咒,咒骂;宣誓,发誓
[11:14.43]In Christian countries, witnesses
[11:16.51]in court have to swear on the Bible
[11:18.91]before giving evidences.
[11:29.37]swell vi. 肿胀,膨胀;增强
[11:35.00]n. 波浪起伏;鼓起;增强
[11:38.45]The boat rose and fell to ocean swells. 船随着海浪起伏。
[11:45.28]swing v.(使)摇摆;(使)旋转;(使)突然转向
[11:50.81]n. 摇摆;秋千
[11:52.04]A large pendulum swung back and forth
[11:54.75]inside the grandfather clock.
[12:04.26]spin vi. 旋转;晕眩;织(网)vt. 使旋转;绞干 n. 旋转
[12:10.85]Let’s spin a coin to decide who’ll have the first turn.
[12:19.71]spit vi. 吐唾沫(或痰)vt. 吐出 n. 唾液
[12:26.25]split v. 分裂;撕裂;分担 n. 裂口
[12:33.50]He split his pants at the seams when he bent over.
[12:42.88]spoil vt. 损坏;宠坏 vi. 变质
[12:48.73]n. (pl.)战利品,赃物
[12:51.28]Some parents spoil their children
[12:53.40]by giving them too much money.
[13:02.23]sting vi. 刺,蜇;感到剧痛
[13:07.82]vt. 刺,蜇;刺痛;激怒 n. 蜇刺;刺(痛),剧痛
[13:08.82]If you hurt the bee, it will sting you.
[13:16.53]upset vt. 使心烦意乱;打乱;弄翻
[13:23.05]n. 不适 a. 心烦的
[13:25.73]James was upset
[13:26.98]because he had had his wallet stolen.
[13:34.68]weave v. 织,编
[13:37.95]Most spiders weave webs that are almost invisible.
[13:46.51]weep v. 哭泣;渗出
[13:50.04]When the national flag was rising, the athletes wept for joy.
[14:00.73]withdraw vt. 提取,收回;撤销;撤退 vi. 撤退
[14:07.39]It’s more convenient to withdraw money
[14:09.60]from an ATM than from the bank.
[14:18.37]withstand vt. 承受
[14:21.58]Shakespeare’s works undoubtedly withstands the test of time.
[14:31.92]analysis n. 分析
[14:35.03]Recent analysis showed that more and more people prefer
[14:38.44]to purchase an apartment rather than rent one.
[14:49.03]appendix n. 阑尾;附录
[14:53.12]For further information,
[14:54.90]please refer to the appendices at the end of the book.
[15:04.94]bacteria n. 细菌
[15:08.75]basis n. 基础
[15:11.86]A good scenario is the basis of a successful movie.
[15:22.22]counsel n. 律师;劝告 vt. 提议
[15:27.44]The court heard the counsel for both sides.
[15:35.65]craft n. 工艺;船,航空器
[15:40.97]Making jewels requires great craft.
[15:48.86]crisis n. 危机;决定性时刻
[15:53.24]The Indian Prime Minister said
[15:55.27]the 1997 Southeast Asian financial crisis showed
[16:00.27]that volatile capital flows could threaten
[16:03.86]even vibrant economies.
[16:20.64]curriculum n. 课程,全部课程
[16:24.85]English is on every university’s curriculum.
[16:32.41]emphasis n. 强调,重点
[16:37.02]I think we should put as much emphasis
[16:39.16]on preventing AIDS as we do on curing it.
[16:52.92]formula n. 原则;公式;配方
[16:57.62]index n. 索引;标志;指数 vt. 为…编索引
[17:05.47]All the books in the library are indexed in the computer.
[17:15.30]means n. 方法;金钱
[17:19.51]People resolve conflicts between different countries
[17:22.75]primarily by means of peace talks,
[17:25.75]but sometimes it is necessary to resort to force.
[17:40.47]media n. 新闻媒介
[17:44.08]The media is/are sometimes criticized for spreading rumors.
[17:55.05]nucleus n.(原子)核;核心
[17:59.24]phenomenon n. 现象;非凡的人
[18:04.30]Lightning and thunder are natural phenomena.
[18:12.01]politics n. 政治,政治学;政纲
[18:18.47]Abraham Lincoln was active in politics
[18:21.47]and strongly against slavery.
[18:31.71]series n. 一系列;丛书,连续剧
[18:37.29]There’s been a whole series of accidents
[18:39.97]on this stretch of road recently.
[18:47.26]species n. 种,类
[18:50.74]The Origin of Species was one of the most important books
[18:54.48]published during the 19th century.
[19:03.69]stadium n. 运动场,体育场
[19:08.67]A new stadium for the 2008 Olympic Games has been built in Beijing.
[19:22.53]statistic n. 统计数值,统计资料;(-s)统计学
[19:28.94]Statistics show that there are more males than females in our country.
[19:40.25]alike a. 同样的 ad. 相似地
[19:44.48]Great minds think alike! 英雄所见略同!
[19:50.68]unique a. 唯一的,独特的;极不寻常的
[19:57.19]Each person’s fingerprints are unique.
[20:03.94]inferior a. 劣等的;下级的 n. 下级
[20:09.26]No inferior products should be allowed to pass.
[20:17.66]junior a. 年少的;资历较浅的
[20:22.41]n. 年少者;晚辈;三年级学生
[20:26.80]It often happens that the work is done by juniors on the staff,
[20:30.86]but the head takes all the credit.
[20:42.91]superior a. 上级的,较高的;
[20:51.86]n. 上级
[20:53.16]In the Indian caste system,
[20:55.32]marrying someone from a superior caste is not allowed.

