
2016-09-15 14:35:5213:50 40

Tonight's Topic: 9:10-10:10


"Study Face-to-Face Vs. Online"   

New Vocabulary:      



experience - a memory or some knowledge you gained   

                                                 Face-to-Face - in person, in front of someone          

Seminar - long meeting more like lecture where people mostly listen    

Environment - what is going on around you         

Complex - not so simple                          

Unpredictable - not able to guess what will happen                           

Assume - believe something is true or right

Skills - abilities you have learned

Strategies -  plan what methods to use to do something                          

Techniques - the different methods or skills

Effectively - to work well or have a good result             

Group Dynamics - the interaction between a group of people

Openness - how willing you are to share information 

Effort required - how much work is needed            

Opinion - what you think or how you feel about something

Advantage - good thing or good point

Disadvantage - bad thing or bad point        

Helpful phrases: 

You make a good point because....

I totally agree because....

I think you are right because ......

I can see your point but....

I don't totally agree, I think....

Maybe you are right but.....

