16-10-14 【轰炸听力】我的缪斯—澳大利亚艺术家探索灵长类动物惊人交流能力

2023-06-16 17:26:5254:02 854
Lisa Roet - an Australian artist whose inspiration comes from the primates

Track one
When I was in high school I wanted to work with Zoology or Primatology
I was fascinated with ‘human-animal’ communication
Which was starting to be talked about in the ‘70’s when I was a child
Scientists like Jane Goodall, for example, who was doing this research
The emotional aspects of animal behaviour
When I first did some research in Atlanta – I was invited to visit a language research centre there
At Georgia State University where they were teaching chimpanzees to use sign language to communicate with the scientists
Several years going backwards and forwards with Atlanta working with one particular chimpanzee
We used sign language as well as he used a computer system
A hexagram system with 300 words – I would communicate with him on a daily basis
We would form things like ‘Going to the forest’
He would tell me what he wanted to do – I would ‘take him out’ and we would do those activities
You are suggesting that these primates have pretty close thinking pattern to humans
This chimpanzee had a video monitor in his room
One of the first things – I asked him what he wanted to do that particular day
He said “I want to see my cousin”
I asked the keeper who his cousin was – it was actually his friend, another chimpanzee that lives in another compound
I asked if we could take him there – “No, you can’t”
So, the chimpanzee asked me to take the video monitor and go and take video footage
He had a keyboard system that said “You video me –  show me”

Track two
I had to go and take the camcorder
I took footage of this particular chimpanzee – I took it back, plugged it into his monitor
He texted and said ‘I love my cousin’
“How do you manage to get a chimp to learn the keyboard?”
I have no doubt about the intellect of some of the higher apes such as the chimpanzee, the gorillas, and the orangutans
They are very intelligent creatures
I have just been at the Melbourne Zoo – I work closely with them on their ‘Palm Oil’ project
They have a big programme teaching children about one of their orangutans
They are known escapologists – they find bits of metal, they pick locks and they get our
They do it where no human can do it
Does this make you feel very sensitive when you hear about the harsh treatment of many of the primates – in the mountains of Africa – their territory getting smaller, the hunting going on
I am appalled – it also reflects on how other people mistreat other humans as well
Even through racist reasons or lack of understanding
It is always this fear of the other that humans have that creates some terrible behaviour
What other parts of the world have you been into?
Worked in different zoos – Arnhem Zoo in Holland, worked in Borneo quite consistently, Atlanta

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中考实战一模卷 14~16年







