Experts Dismiss Claims Linking 5G Technology to Coronavirus

2022-10-07 20:42:5004:54 149




Technology and medical experts are dismissing a theory linking the new coronavirus to 5G wireless equipment.

Officials in Britain have blamed the theory for leading to the destruction of mobile phone transmitters in different parts of thecountry.

Britain's Cabinet Officer Michael Gove was asked about the idea that 5G telecommunications equipment could play a part in the spread of the coronavirus. "That is just nonsense, dangerous nonsense as well," he said.

The communications technology called 5G is the next generation of wireless technology.

Companies around the world have been working to build 5G networks to replace 4G systems.

5G promises much higher internet speeds. Currently, 5G service remains very limited in many areas of the world, and not many 5G mobile devices are available.

Some reports appearing online have linked the new coronavirus to the launch of 5G in late October 2019.

In Britain, officials said one of the most serious incidents was a fire attack on a mobile phone tower in the city of Birmingham.

The officials said the fire caused major damage although no 5G equipment was attached to the tower.

The medical director for Britain's National Health Service, or NHS, Stephen Powis, said the theory linking 5G to the coronavirus was false news with no scientific support.

He told Reuters news agency the destruction of equipment can only hurt the country's emergency efforts to deal with the coronavirus crisis."

The reality is that the mobile phone networks are absolutely critical toall of us," Powis said.

A group representing Britain's major mobile phone operators said some of its workers had been threatened. Vodafone, the world's second-largest mobile operator, said the destruction of equipment was now a matter of national security.

The company's head in Britain, Nick Jeffery,
condemned the attacks.
He said he does not understand why anyone would "want to harm the very networks that are providing essential connectivity to emergency services, the NHS and the rest of the country."

Jeffery described his engineers as heroes and urged people not to spread
false information online.

Fabien Heliot is a researcher at Britain's University of Surrey who studies the safety of wireless radio waves.

He told the French news agency AFP that there is no evidence to suggest any 5G technology could cause avirus.

Since a virus is a living thing, it cannot be created by radiation, Heliot said.

He added that any possible side effects of 5G radiation would be the same as with other older systems, including 4G, 3G and 2G.

He said this is because all the wireless technologies use the same wave forms to radiate energy.

The World Health Organization's website says that a large number of studies have been carried out on whether mobile phones bring health risks.

To date, no adverse health effects have been established as being caused by mobile phone use," the WHO said.




n. piece of equipment used to send out radio signals

that is just nonsense 这是无稽之谈



n. piece of equipment used to send out radio signals

that is just nonsense 这是无稽之谈

false news/information




v. express strongdisapproval of  谴责

To date 迄今为止



adj. things thatcause problems or danger


技术和医学专家驳斥了将这种新型冠状病毒与5G无线设备联系起来的理论。英国官员指责该理论导致该国不同地区的移动电话发射机遭到破坏。英国内阁官员迈克尔·戈夫(MichaelGove)被问及5G电信设备可能在冠状病毒传播中发挥作用的想法。他说:“这纯粹是无稽之谈,也是危险的无稽之谈。”被称为5G的通信技术是下一代无线技术。世界各地的公司一直在努力建设5G网络,以取代4G系统。5G有望带来更高的网速。目前,5G服务在世界上的许多地区仍然非常有限,可用的5G移动设备并不多。网上出现的一些报道称,这种新型冠状病毒与2019年10月下旬推出的5G网络有关。在英国,官员们表示,最严重的事件之一是伯明翰市一座移动电话塔的火灾袭击。官员们表示,尽管没有5G设备安装在高塔上,但火灾造成了重大损失。英国国民健康服务(NHS)的医疗主任斯蒂芬·波伊斯(StephenPowis)表示,将5G与冠状病毒联系起来的理论是没有科学依据的假新闻。他对路透社说,设备的毁坏只会损害国家应对冠状病毒危机的紧急措施。“事实上,手机网络对我们所有人来说都是绝对重要的,”Powis说。英国主要移动电话运营商组织的一个代表表示,他们的一些员工受到了威胁。全球第二大移动运营商沃达丰(Vodafone)表示,现在设备遭到破坏影响的是国家安全。该公司在英国的负责人尼克·杰弗瑞(NickJeffery)谴责了这些攻击。他说,他不明白为什么有人会“想要伤害为紧急服务机构、英国国民保健服务体系(NHS)和全国其他地方提供基本连接的网络”。杰弗瑞称他的工程师是英雄,并敦促人们不要在网上传播虚假信息。Fabien Heliot是英国萨里大学研究无线电波安全性的研究员。他告诉法新社,没有证据表明任何5G技术会导致病毒。Heliot说,由于病毒是有生命的,它不能通过辐射产生。他补充说,5G辐射的任何可能的副作用都与其他较老的系统相同,包括4G、3G和2G。他说,这是因为所有的无线技术都使用相同的波形来辐射能量。世界卫生组织的网站上说,已经进行了大量关于手机是否会带来健康风险的研究。世界卫生组织说:“到目前为止,还没有证据表明使用手机会对健康造成不良影响。”

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