2017-01-08 223. Show Me Your Battle Scars

2022-10-28 18:13:0702:06 49

Show Me Your Battle/'bætl/ Scars /skɑr/

by Steve Pavlina

Whenever you set an ambitious/æm'bɪʃəs/ goal, it’s virtually/ˈvɚtʃuəli/ guaranteed/ˌɡærən'ti/ you’ll encounter/ɪn'kaʊntɚ/ some roadblocks/'rodblɑk/.

There’s no reason to let that stop you though/ðo/. A roadblock isn’t much of an obstacle/'ɑbstəkl/ for a human being. You can climb/klaɪm/ over it, walk/wɔk/ around it, blow/blo/ it up, get someone else to move it, or otherwise bypass /'baɪpæs/ it.

Roadblocks do an outstanding /'aʊt'stændɪŋ/ job of frightening/'fraɪtnɪŋ/ away the timid /'tɪmɪd/. But to those with a modicum/'mɑdɪkəm/ of courage, roadblocks have very little power. When a committed person tackles/ˈtækəl/ a roadblock, the roadblock stands very little chance. After a little time spent hacking away at the roadblock, the universe will tend to do the equivalent/ɪ'kwɪvələnt/ of saying, “Well, alright then… I was just checking to see if you were serious /'sɪrɪəs/. I won’t stand in your way anymore. You’re free to proceed/pro'sid/.”

Perhaps it’s a universal'jʊnə'vɝsl/ safety mechanism/'mɛkənɪzəm/, something along the lines of survival/sɚ'vaɪvl/ of the fittest/fitist/. Maybe the universe/'junɪvɝs/ won’t allow weak-minded people to go too far down the path of goal achievement, since if they were to succeed in a big way, they’d just make a real mess of things. Strong-willed people are free to pass, while weak-minded ones get knocked/nɑk/ back and have to train up a bit more.

Time for a quote/kwot/ from Ralph/rælf/ Waldo/'wɔːldəʊ/ Emerson /'eməsn/:

When a resolute/'rɛzəlut/ young fellow steps up to the great bully /'bʊli/, the world, and takes him boldly/'bəuldli/ by the beard/bɪrd/, he is often surprised to find it comes off in his hand, and that it was only tied/taid/ on to scare/skɛr/ away the timid adventurers/əd'vɛntʃərɚ/.

So the question is… are you a timid adventurer/əd'vɛntʃərɚ/? Has the world been scaring you away from setting and achieving some really big and meaningful goals?

Let's see the battle scars.






