iPhone SE 值得买吗?2020 iPhone SE_ Should You Buy It

2020-05-22 16:23:3806:52 3914

this video is sponsored by motion VFX


Apple's $399 iPhone se is officially

here and customers who pre-ordered last

week should be giving their brand-new

phone starting today and so in this

video we're gonna go over what's new and

everything that you need to know about

the latest iPhone se before we get

started be sure to subscribe and hit the

bell to get notifications whenever we

share a video most of you know this

already but for those who have no clue

what an iPhone se is here's the quickest

history lesson than I can possibly give

you the original se launched in 2016 it

featured an older iPhone 5 like body

style but had upgraded internals to

match the 2015 iPhone 6s

this was Apple's way of giving users a

phone that was powerful enough to hang

with the flagships but left out a few

key features in order to reduce cost

fast-forward to today and we have that

exact same concept this time with an

iPhone eight body style but with iPhone

11 internals with the new a 13 Bionic

ship inside everything else in terms of

look and feel is just gonna be the same

- the now centered Apple logo and the

removal of the iPhone text on the back

and all three models will have a black

front instead of some models that would

traditionally have the white faceplate

you get the same 4.7 inch LCD display

touch ID all glass design with wireless

charging capabilities and a single

camera system located on the back now

even though the camera looks the same

there are a few changes going on here to

give users a better experience of course

we don't really know for sure if it's

actually any different at least in terms

of hardware for the camera itself or if

it's the same as the eight but with

apple's updated software and a 13 Bionic

chip driving some better image

processing to give it that upgraded

feeling over older hardware I'll let you

be the judge with the very few pictures

that I was able to take with my limited

time with the iPhone se in the next week

we will do a full camera compare

between the iPhone 8 the 20/20 iPhone se

and an iPhone 11 - kind of better gauge

where the iPhone se might kind of fit in

terms of camera performance so be sure

to subscribe so you don't miss that

video now in terms of video recording

you do get 4k video up to 60 frames per

second with the rear-facing camera and

it does look really really good

especially for only 399 dollars it's

easily the best in its class in my

opinion it looks crisp and it's

incredibly stable for any smartphone

really let alone at that price point the

front-facing camera is still limited to

only 1080p at 30 frames per second for

me the iPhone se is all about value what

exactly are you getting for the starting

price of three hundred and ninety nine

dollars or maybe we can focus on what

you're not getting to sort of shorten up

that list you won't be getting a big

phone or at least not big by today's

standards you'll have some very big top

and bottom bezels you'll have build

quality that won't kind of feel as

premium like something like an iPhone 11

pro there's no face ID but instead

you'll get the familiar home button with

touch ID there's no extra telephoto or

ultra wide lenses and there's no night

mode personally I think none of these

are huge trade-offs if you're coming

from something older than an iPhone 8

even if you have an iPhone 8 and you're

looking to upgrade while it might seem

minor because there won't be a lot of

physical differences there's enough here

to warrant an upgrade in my opinion if

you're looking to stick with this same

design size and price the most important

thing that you're getting from an iPhone

se is the fact that it's an iPhone a

$399 iPhone that's powerful runs iOS 13

really well and it has iMessage and

airdrop and all of the things that keep

high phone users in the ecosystem if

you're looking to get your child their

first smartphone this would be my

recommendation if you want a really

solid device that should definitely last

you a few years with timely software

updates and good performance this is

what you should get it's not fancy but

it's still at the end of the day an

iPhone I do want to point out that even

though the iPhone se starts at $399 I

actually wouldn't recommend picking up

that 64 gigabyte

based model if you can swing the extra

$50 to double your storage to 128 gigs I

would highly highly recommend doing that

also if you don't know what color option

to go with proceeds from the product red

model which is the one that you see here

will go towards Kovan 19 relief so just

something to keep in mind there's also a

black and a white model the white model

specifically is really cool in my

opinion because of that white back and

the black front it gives it that

stormtrooper kind of vibe either way if

you don't care about the latest and

greatest design or flashy features that

you may or may not use and you just want

an iPhone that's gonna be reliable and

is capable of taking some pretty decent

photos this is definitely the phone to

go with of course I would love to know

your thoughts on the iPhone se did you

pick one up did you preorder one are you

thinking about something else let me

know in the comments down below

before we end today's video I do want to

give you more information about today's

sponsor motion VFX now if you haven't

heard of motion VFX yet and you're a

content creator well buckle up because

your life is about to get a whole lot

easier you might have seen some fancy

animations or graphics popping up

throughout most of our videos and as

much as I would like to say that I

created those beautiful transitions or

animations myself I did not work smarter

not harder with over hundreds of

different plugins and templates for

motion VFX

they are hands-down the best resource

for Final Cut Pro 10 and motion plugins

and templates installing a plug-in is as

easy as one click from the motion VFX

menu bar app and customizing the plugins

all takes place directly inside a Final

Cut Pro just drag and drop your effect

or transition into your timeline and

edit from the inspector it's that easy

if you want a recommendation on what

plugins to check out definitely start

with the M bundle vlogger these are the

perfect set of resources for adding in

some awesome intros pop tagged social

media animations

adding in pointers for tutorials and

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every day and they are a huge tool for

helping me create content faster and

easier for more information about motion

VFX and the m bundle vlogger click the

link in the description down below this

has been Dane with Mac rumors thanks so

much for watching and I hope to see you

around in the next



Buiness Wars | 黑莓 vs 苹果iPhone










