3. I know traffic light

2020-07-11 16:15:0103:07 61

Mum is taking Mimi across the road.


“Why do we stop?”


“Look, baby, there is a traffic light. We have to stop when the red light is on.”


“Look, the yellow light is twinkling!”


“That means countdown and being ready to stop.” Mummy says.


“It’s green light! We can go across now!” Mum takes Mimi across the road with others.


“Wow, it’s amazing! Everyone follows the traffic light!”


“Yes, so do you. The traffic light can help us to avoid traffic accident.”


One day, Mimi is going to be late for school, but the traffic light is red.


“Why does the red light keep so long?” Mimi asks.


“Though we are in a hurry, we can’t run the red light!” Mum says.


“If only it always kept green.” Mimi thinks.


Mimi painted the traffic lights green after school.


“Aha! Now we needn’t wait and everybody will say ‘thanks’.”


“Beep, beep…What’s wrong with the traffic light? I’m going to be late.” Uncle bear complained in car.


“Squeak.” A car can’t wait to go and almost knock down grandma goat.


The traffic is in a mess soon. The traffic policeman come to direct the traffic.


“Oh, who did it?” Worker has found out the reason.

“I’m so sorry! It’s me! I don’t know it would be so bad.”


“Kid, there must be big trouble if the light goes wrong!” The worker cleans the light.


The traffic light returns to normal, and the traffic restores order.


“Wow, that’s great! I will follow the traffic lights.”



i know i love you



Yes, I Never Know



What I Know for Sure

