spoken english 20201212-2

2020-12-12 14:25:4702:50 66

Hi guys, the make-up artist really ‘did a number’ on me today. I look particularly vampiric, I don’t even know if that's a real word. Anyways, I wanted to address a question I saw in the comments the other day, it said, don't you miss your family in Canada? Of course I do, the last time I was in Montreal was in August of last year, so, going on fourteen, fifteen months since I've been home for a visit, and yeah, I miss them a lot. But I downloaded the Chinese version of We-chat into my mother's phone. So we get rock solid video chatting once a week, which is really cool. And realistically speaking, how am I supposed to go home, even if I did fly to Montreal, which would probably be a bad idea, because it is the hottest of the hot zones in Canada right now, in terms of the corona-virus. I would have to spend two weeks in quarantine before I could even see my family. Then after spending time with them, I would come back to china and spent another week, two weeks in quarantine. I mean, I can't take a month and a half off of work to go home and visit them, so it looks like it's just video chatting for now. But I do look forward to going home for a visit in twenty twenty one. 

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody, technically, it's not my thanksgiving, it's American Thanksgiving. I'm not American, we do have thanksgiving in Canada, but we celebrated in October, not November, but this is the one that most of the world is familiar with, sort of marks the opening to the holiday season. Tomorrow will be black Friday, which is kind of like the eleven eleven shopping festival with a little bit of combat sports mixed in. Anyway, the tradition at Thanksgiving is for the whole family to get together, have a big meal. And before people eat, they sometimes go around and say what they're thankful for. So I'm gonna give it a shot. Twenty twenty was a bit of a gut punch of a year for a lot of people, but I'm very thankful that things went OK for me. I got a good job, nobody I knew got sick, my friends or my family. And it's also the year I started this channel, so I'm thankful for all you guys, the followers as well. And I hope to keep things going into the new year.

Hi guys, how's your day going? I had a pretty decent day. My stylist was in, so I managed to get my haircut. So it's always good. I hate getting my haircut by a stranger. The pimple that was pushing its way out of my cheek, very obviously and painfully throughout all of last week. It’s decided that's just going to go right back in and not come out at all, so that's a good thing. And for some reason, every time I try to take a subway today, the train arrived right as I got down to the platform, just perfect timing. So all in all a good day, nothing major happened. It was really just a series of small victories, but I'll take it. 


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