2021.1.20 防晒霜中的物质可能有害健康?

2022-09-20 16:24:0109:13 27


mammary 乳腺的





原文(内容选自medical news today

In a new animal study, scientists have explored the effects a combination of diet and exposure to the chemical benzophenone-3 (BP-3) has on mammary gland tumors.

The scientists found a complex relationship between these factors. However, they conclude that exposure to BP-3 — a common ingredient in sunscreen and other products — is likely to increase the risks associated with mammary gland tumors.

The study, published in the journal Oncotarget, lays the ground for further research to confirm the findings and to explore the extent to which they are likely to be reproducible in humans.

In the study, the scientists placed the mice into three groups. The first group was fed a low  fat diet; the second group was fed a diet high in fat; and the third group received a diet high in fat during puberty and then low in fat after.

Each of these three groups was then split in two, with half the mice being fed a daily amount of BP-3 the equivalent of a heavy application of sunscreen.

More research is needed to further understand the relationship between diet, BP-3, and cancer risk. However, for the scientists, their findings should make people think twice about exposing themselves to BP-3 if alternatives are available.

