Self-rescue Skills 1 Jul 12, 2021

2022-10-10 20:44:5604:39 5
所属专辑:Be water smart
To survive falling into water, non-swimmers should wear a lifejacket or PFD whenever they are near water. Many non-swimmers who drowned did NOT expect to have to swim(they were fishing, for example, and their boat overturned).
3.3Self-rescue Skills
This section provides information that will help you assess and act in specific self-rescue situations:
口 self-rescue from good water conditions
口 self-rescue from cold water
口 self-rescue from hot water
口 self-rescue from moving water.
Self-rescue from Good Water Conditions
The elements presented in Section 3.2 are an excellent general guide to self-rescue from good water conditions. But there are some specific conditions and factors you also need to consider:
√ If the water is deep, move to safety if you can. If you cannot, call or signal for help as soon as you can. In the meantime, swim, tread water, or do a motionless float to keep yourself at the surface (see pages 3-6 and 3-7). Here are some pointers on when to use each of these three self-rescue skills:
*Consider swimming if no one can respond to your call for help within a few minutes. Swimming is a reasonable choice if you are in known water and the distance you need to swim is appropriate for your swimming skills, your energy level, and the environmental conditions.
*Treading water may result in less heat loss than motionless floating on the back (see below). But treading water may also take more effort than motionless floating.
*Any motionless position maintained at the surface of the water while breathing is called a motionless float. This self-rescue skill is useful whenever you have to conserve energy while waiting for help or resting. Motionless floating can be a useful survival skill in calm, warm water (water whose temperature is more than 20° Celsius). Motionless floating is not recommended for self-rescue in cold water (water whose temperature is 20° Celsius or less), because the head is a high heat-loss area, and placing it in water may increase the rate of heat loss and reduce core body temperature (the temperature of the internal organs).
If your boat swamps or capsizes, think carefully about whether to stay with the overturned boat or swim to safety. Here are some points to consider:
*In general, stay with your boat, and wait to be rescued .
*Try to right your boat.
*Always right canoes, and use them as rescue craft. (You can use your hands to slowly paddle a swamped canoe to shore.)
*If help will probably not come, consider trying to reach shore safely while conserving as much energy as possible.
* Before deciding to swim to safety, carefully consider its pros and cons. See below for information on using swimming as a self-rescue skill.
3.3 自救技能


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