Self-rescue Skills 2 Jul 13, 2021

2022-10-12 06:21:3204:25 14
所属专辑:Be water smart
Using Clothing as a Self-rescue Assist
While PFDs or lifejackets are much more effective, some clothing items make useful self-rescue assists or towing assists.
Pants as Self-rescue Assists
*Tie a knot in each leg of the pants, close to the cuffs Fasten the waist and the fly.
*Hold the pants in front of you with one hand with the waist open toward you, With your other hand, splash water into the waist of the pants. The pants fill with air from the splashing.
*When the pants are "full," close their waistband. The wet fabric will slow the passage of air through the material, making the pants buoyant. You can then use them as an assist.
Shirts as Self-rescue Assists
* If it isn't too heavy or the water is cold, you may decide to keep your shirt on. Button the shirt at the cuffs and up the front. Tuck or tie the shirt at your waist.
*Exhale through your mouth into the neck opening of the shirt. The shirt fills with air. When the shirt is“full," button the shirt at the neck. The wet fabric will slow the passage of air through the material, making the shirt buoyant.

If your clothing is weighing you down, take steps to remove it. But NEVER take your clothes off if you're wearing a PFD,and remove clothing in cold water only if wearing it threatens your survival. When removing clothing in the water,
*remove one clothing item at a time. Make sure you get enough breath between each item removal - you can sink while removing heavy clothes.
*remove boots or shoes first.
*save lighter items for use in self-rescue or in the rescue of others.
If you get into difficulty while sailboarding, remember that signalling distress is not as easy as with other such craft. Waving the arms in an exaggerated motion is one way to attract attention. So is setting off pocket- sized flares. Furl the sail, and place the mast and sail on the board as a distress signal.Either paddle to shore, or wait to be rescued.

Removing Clothing in Self-rescue
*Boots or shoes - get into a tuck position, and remove shoes one at time.
*Jacket - in a back float position, use both hands to unfasten and remove the jacket.
*Pants - if necessary, unfasten the pants. You may do this while treading water legs only in a vertical position or while floating on your back. Then, in a tuck position, slide your pants off.
*Shirt -in either a back-float or a backward-leaning position, unfasten and remove the shirt.
*Pullover shirt or sweater - grasp the base of the shirt or sweater with crossed arms, and pull it over your head and arms in a single movement.
*Other clothes -- there' s no need to remove clothing that doesn't interfere with swimming movements.

