Foxes on Ice  冰上的狐狸

2021-08-09 10:05:0901:47 82
You know what?

北极光(Aurora Borealis或Northern Light),是出现于星球北极的高磁纬地区上空的一种绚丽多彩的发光现象。北极附近的美国阿拉斯加(Alaska)就是观赏北极光的最佳地点。在阿拉斯加最北的费尔班克斯市(Fairbanks),一年里有两百多天可以看到极光,被称为“北极光首都”,因此该市每年吸引着人们前往欣赏极光美景。

Foxes on Ice 冰上的狐狸

Winter in the Arctic is unlike winter in most parts of the world. It is very cold. The Arctic fox is a very hardy animal. It can survive temperatures as low as -58ºF(-50ºC).
The Arctic fox is about the size of a large domestic cat. The Arctic fox has a brown or grey coat in the summer, and it turns into a think white one during the winter. The white fur keeps the Arctic fox warm and makes it very hard for the fox’s prey to see it in the snow. Also, its feet are covered in fur.
Staying warm means having enough food for energy. The Arctic for prefers to eat lemmings and hares, but when times are tough, it will take what it can get. It can go with less food in the winter because it eats a lot during the summer and stores fat under its skin. It uses this fat for energy.


