24.Topsy-Flopsy Day 兔兔颠倒日

2024-01-15 21:14:5010:57 581

24-Topsy-Flopsy Day 兔兔颠倒日

One cold winter’s morning, the moon was still in the sky… Little Nutbrown Hare woke up to discover his father Big Nutbrown Hare was not here.

“Big Nutbrown Hare where are you?”

“I’m right here! Good morning!”


“Yes! The beginning of another beautiful winter’s day!”

“But the sun isn’t up! How can it be morning?”

“Because it’s the shortest day of the year today. It’s called the winter solstice.”

“Well, if the sun isn’t up in the morning… I’ll called it Topsy-Flopsy Day. Because things feel all mixed up.”

“Topsy-Flopsy Day, really?”


“Still up Little White Owl?”

“Didn’t you know it’s morning already? And morning is your bedtime.”

“Yes. I love the shortest day of the year because it means I have my longest night!”

“I don’t love it very much. Maybe a story would cheer you up?”

“May be.”

“One morning, a long time ago, the sun woke up late.”

“Just like me.”

“It was the middle of winter. The pale sun looked down over the meadow and yawned…”

“Was the sun tired?”

“Yes. Because she worked so hard shining brightly- form dawn until dusk every day of the year.”

“When I’m tired I go to bed early.”

“And that’s exactly what the sun did! The sun slept for longer and longer each night. Mornings became dark and gloomy and snow covered the meadow… “

“Just like now.”

“Finally the sun was so rested, from that day onwards, she woke up earlier and earlier. And soon the winter snow melted and new flowers bloomed…”

“Because it was Spring!”

“That’s right Little Nutbrown Hare!”

“I love that story!”

“Thank you Little White Owl.”

“Well, it’s way past my bedtime now- see you later! Hoot!”

“Good night! Sleep night! See you in the evening light.”

“Come on then, time for some breakfast!”

“What is it my Little Nutbrown Hare?”

“If it’s the shortest day of the year today. I’m not sure how I’m going to fit everything in.”

“Oh…what do you need to fit in?”

“More than I can count on both paws. I have to eat breakfast… explore our meadow… Help you dig for food in the snow…play with my friends… Then I have to come home… talk to you about my day…guess how much you love me… “

“Oh… and don’t forget I have to guess how much you love me too!”

“Yes! We can’t miss that and go to sleep!”

“That is a lot of fit into one day!”

“And more than anything I’d like to find the sun a flower to thank her for shining for us.”

“What a kind idea- although it might be hard to find flowers in all this winter snow.”

“Yes. And hard to get everything done when it’s Topsy-flopsy Day!”

“I’m sure you’ll find a way Little Nutbrown Hare.”

“We’ll just have to do everything very extra fast!”

“What are you waiting for?”


By the time the sun was up… Little Nutbrown Hare was busy exploring the meadow searching for a flower for the sun… while his father Big Nutbrown Hare was busy finding food buried deep in the snow.

“Some tasty roots for later.”

“Found one!”

“A flower?”

“No. a friend to play with!”

“Little Nutbrown Hare! It’s too early to play.”

“But Little Field Mouse you slept in!”

“Huh, I did?”

“Yes, and I need you to help me find a flower for the sun before she goes to sleep!”

“Hey! Everything’s upside down and back to front!”

“That because today is Topsy-flopsy Day! A day when everything feels mixed up!”

“Have fun you two! I’ll see you back at home Little Nutbrown Hare! Have a fun Topsy-flopsy Day!”

“Look at me. I’m walking on the sky!”

“Me too! But there’s no flowers in the sky.”

“Little flowers where are you?”

“Come out wherever you are!”

“That’s not a flower! Little Redwood Fox! Come out- I’ve got something to show you!”

“Not fair!”

“Little Redwood Fox, you are right.”

“Er… I am?”

“Yes. Because on Topsy-flopsy Day you have to throw snowballs at yourself!”

“I got me! Good shot!”

“What are you doing- apart from throwing snowballs at yourself!”

“Looking for a flower to give to the sun.”

“But it’s Topsy-flopsy Day, so we’re doing everything upside down... "

"And from to back!”


“Because it was dark like night when I woke up this morning…”

“Today is the shortest day of the year!”

“And everything feels all mixed up. Oh no.”

“What is it Little Nutbrown Hare?”

“Look- the sun is already low in the sky. She will go to sleep soon and I haven’t found her present yet.”

“Maybe we can trick that sleepy sun into staying up a bit later.”

“Really? How?”

“We’ll look for a flower… backwards!”

“Very tricky, Little Redwood Fox- then the sun will think time is going backwards too!”

“Idea good very!”

“Come on!”

“Look out below!”

“Wow! Look at this!”

“Did you find a flower?”

“I don’t know what I’ve found.”

“Whatever it is. It’s… beautiful!”

“It’s a Topsy-flopsy flower made out of…ice!”

“I think you’re right Little Field Mouse!”

“And I think the sun will love your present.”

“Will- you’d better give it to her quickly- she’s nearly gone!”

“And so am I! Good night!”

“Sleep tight!”

“See you in the morning light! Hello, sun! thank you for shinning! Here’s a special flower for you!”

“I’m very proud of you my Little Nutbrown Hare.”

“You are?”

“Yes. You found a flower that grows on the shortest day of the year!”

Little Nutbrown Hare was very tired after such a Topsy-flopsy Day and was already in bed.

“So did you fit everything into your day?”

“Well. I found the sun a flower! Explored our meadow… helped you dig for food in the snow… played with my friends… “

“And that’s nearly everything you had to do.”

“I’m so sleepy. I nearly forgot to ask you an important question!”

“And what would that be?”

“I love you how much guess?”

“Well I love you more than the sun because you shine so brightly all day and all night. Even when you are fast asleep!”

“That is a lot of shining!”


24.We Do Have It



24. 玛蒂娜在姨妈家



LXG | 24.创造日本:1853--1964

