
2022-09-26 13:30:3307:57 32
5. You use plastic grocery bags.
Illustration:Besides the energy costs to produce the bags (estimated at 12 million barrels of oil a year), plastic bags take an enormous toll on the environment. It can take 1,000 years for a single bag to biodegrade in a landfill, but even worse, plastic bags are one of the biggest ocean pollutants on the planet, with nearly 90 percent of ocean debris coming from plastic. The easy answer? BYO. ... reusable totes...
6. You use pesticides in the garden.
Illustration:In the past few years, environmentalists have raised the alarm about Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), a phenomenon where the majority of worker bees in a colony simply disappear. The Environmental Protection Agency lists pesticide poisoning as a possible cause for CCD. Whenever possible, use pesticide-free cleaning products and insecticides in your garden. If you can’t get away with natural agents, apply chemicals early in the morning, when bees and other pollinators are less likely to be out and about.
7. You sip your iced coffee with a straw.
Illustration:The vast majority of those straws aren’t recyclable, which means they end up in the ocean or in landfills. According to data from Ocean Conservancy’s TIDES system, straws and stirrers are the eleventh-most commonly found ocean trash in cleanups. Either refuse straws (just say “no thanks” when dining or ordering out) or use your own environmentally friendly one, like these reusable stainless steel ones ...or biodegradable bamboo ones... You’ll be in good company: Even the Queen of England has banned plastic straws from Buckingham Palace.
8. You buy bottled water.
Illustration: Each minute, about 1 million plastic bottles are sold throughout the planet, according to Earth Day Network. But less than 25 percent of plastic bottles are actually recycled in the United States. Use a reusable water bottle and you can save an average of 156 plastic bottles annually....Can’t stand the taste of tap? A water filter (either one attached to a refrigerator, or in a stand-alone unit like the Brita Everyday Water Pitcher) will get rid of most of the chemicals and contaminants.
9. You drive to all of your errands.
Illustration:It’s not practical for everyone to walk to the store, but even parking your car in one spot and then walking from place to place (dry cleaners, post office, pharmacy) will cut down on both gas and emissions. Transportation continues to have a major impact on the environment, accounting for 27 percent of all energy used in the country, according to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
10. You use coffee pods.
Illustration:We know those single-serve coffee machines are super-convenient, but they are also producing mountains of waste since the majority of the pods are made from non-recyclable plastic....But there are other options: Reusable filters let you use your own coffee, and are ultimately a cost-saver. Or look for brands that are made from biodegradable and compostable materials.












