Extenuating circumstances

2022-03-13 12:53:4703:26 8
An Unending Stream of Extenuating Circumstances
This marginal-cost argument applies the same way in choosing right and wrong:it addresses the third question I discuss with my students,of how to live a life of integrity— and stay out of jail.The marginal cost of doing something“just this once”always seems to be negligible, but the full cost will typically be much higher. Yet unconsciously,we will naturally employ the marginal-cost doctrine in our personal lives.A voice in our head says,“Look, I know that as a general rule, most people shouldn't do this. But in this particular extenuating circumstance, just this once,it's okay.”And the voice in our head seems to be right; the price of doing something wrong “just this once” usually appears alluringly low. It suckers you in, and you don't see where that path is ultimately headed or the full cost that the choice entails.
Recent years have offered plenty of examples of people who were extremely well-respected by their colleagues and peers falling from grace because they made this mistake. The political arena is littered with examples of people at the top of their game getting caught doing something that would never have crossed their minds when they first decided they wanted to serve their country. Insider-trading scandals have rocked nearly every generation of Wall Street titans. Scores of athletes, who had been worshipped by youngsters all over the world,have been caught abusing steroids or exhibiting scandalous personal behavior, sometimes losing their entire careers as a result. Olympic champions have been stripped of their titles, their medals
returned. Reporters for major national newspapers have been caught outrageously fabricating details in articles, amid high expectations and deadline pressures to get great stories.All of those people surely began their careers with a true passion for what they were doing. No rising young athlete imagines that he or she will need to find ways to cheat to stay on top.Athletes believe they can work hard enough to earn their success.But then they are faced with that first opportunity to try something that might help them get an edge.

