Impact legacy extraordinary

2022-03-18 11:41:2502:13 7
But if an organization has a clear and compelling purpose, its impact and legacy can be extraordinary. The purpose of the company will serve as a beacon,focusing employees' attention on what really matters. And that purpose will allow the company to outlive any one manager or employee. Apple, Disney, the KIPP Schools (chartered schools in inner-city neighborhoods that have remarkable results),and the Aravind Eye Hospital (an eye surgery hospital in India that serves more patients than any other eye hospital in the world)are examples of this.
Without a purpose,the value to executives of any business theory would be limited.Even though theory is able to predict the possible outcomes of an important decision,on what basis would the executives be deciding among them to determine which is the best outcome? For example, if I had presented my theory of disruption to Andy Grove and General Shelton without there being a clear understanding of the purpose of their respective organizations, I would have been little more than a facilitator of opinions. Purpose was the critical ingredient that guided them in the application of the theory.
In a similar way, to maximize the value of the advice in this book,you must have a purpose in your life.For that reason,I want to describe to you the best process I know to develop a purpose, and illustrate it with the example of how I used this process in my own life. Mine was a rigorous process,and I recommend it to you as well.


Ambient Impact - (best of sound Ambient)

