The likeness has value to you

2022-03-21 12:19:0502:48 6
The Person I Want to Become
The likeness— the person I want to become— was the simplest of the three parts,and was largely an intellectual process.
The starting point for me— as it will be for most of us- was my family.I was very much the beneficiary of strong family values, priorities, and culture. I was born into a wonderful family, and as I grew up, my parents had deep faith. Their example and encouragement were powerful. They planted the seed of faith within me.It was not until I was twenty-four, however, that I came to know these things for myself.
These two parts of my life were a very rich source of inspiration for me of my likeness.I have used what I learned from my family, and from scriptures and prayer, to understand the kind of person I want to become— which, to me, also entails the kind of person God wants me to become.
Finally, I am a professional man. I genuinely believe that management is among the most noble of professions if it's practiced well. No other occupation offers more ways to help others learn and grow,take responsibility and be recognized for achievement, and contribute to the success of a team.I drew heavily upon this learning to mold my likeness.
From these parts of my life,I distilled the likeness of what I wanted to become:
A man who is dedicated to helping improve the lives of other people
A kind, honest, forgiving,and selfless husband, father, and friend
A man who just doesn't just believe in God, but who believes God
I recognize that many of us might come to similar conclusions, whether based on religious beliefs or not, about the likeness we aspire to. It's a form of setting goals for yourself--the most important ones you'll ever set. But the likeness you draw will only have value to you if you create it for yourself.

