Unit 29 Why people become vegetarians

2022-04-07 08:48:1601:11 48

It seems that a growing number of people are welcoming the idea of vegetarianism. These people would rather eat grain and vegetables than have meat or fish. Some of them even stick to a stricter form of vegetarianism. That is, they become the so-called vegans. Most vegetarians still include milk and eggs in their meals. Vegans, however, not only exclude from their meals but avoid using all animal products like leather belts or ivory.

People become vegetarians for various reasons. Some shun meat and fish because of economical considerations. They stay away from animal food because they cannot afford it. Others practice vegetarianism on religious or moral grounds. They believe it is wrong to kill animals simply for food. But most people become vegetarians for health reasons. They insist that eating vegetables and fruit will help them keep fit and stay slim.

