Unit 39 How to improve your English

2022-04-07 08:54:4301:09 72

To anyone hoping to learn English as a second language, going to any English-speaking country is always the best choice. But if we cannot afford to do so, we may rely on audio-visual aids. For instance, we can listen to English tapes and CDs, or watch English programs on TV. In addition, we can try out our English on any native speaker of English on a bus or at a restaurant if we have a chance.

Reading a variety of English books or newspapers may help, too. It will increase our English vocabulary and familiarize us with idiomatic usage. However, what we must do is read creatively. In other words, we should not content ourselves with merely copying sentences of those authors. We should develop our own style by trying to express ourselves in our words. To sum up, constant exposure to any English environment is the most effective way to improve our English.

