Netflix 创办人教你如何创业【领袖】(订阅+关注,五星好评)

2024-04-11 21:16:1103:11 23.2万


【主讲人】Marc Randolph 马克·伦道夫

马克是一名经验丰富的硅谷企业家、顾问和投资者,网飞的联合创始人、首任首席执行官,为网飞起了名字并设计了界面。此外,他还创办或联合创办了至少6家成功的初创企业,以首席执行官教练的身份指导了一批新兴的企业家,包括近期以26亿美元出售给谷歌的智能软件开发公司Looker Data Sciences的联合创始人,并投资了许多成功的科技企业。


网飞是美国流媒体巨头,它与 脸书、亚马逊、谷歌并称为“美股四剑客”。网飞目前的市值逾两千亿美元,坐拥近两亿订阅用户,粉丝遍布世界多个国家和地区。其首创的电影算法推荐与会员制,及其缔造的《纸牌屋》和多部热门影视剧,更是改变了人们消费娱乐的方式。



I don't think about failure as failure, and I've kind of only now realized in the last handful of years what's going on. Is that I never fall in love with the idea. I always fall in love with the problem, and when you fall in love with the problem. The problem never goes away. The problem never fails, the problem is always there, and then what happens is all these things which were your ideas when they fail, who cares?


It was just an idea that I was trying, and I've learned something from that idea that each of these failures is a jumping off point to more exploration. Even when something goes totally wrong, at least now. I can across those three things off the list, and I've narrowed down the possible approaches I have which actually might work. It's one of the things that's taken me a long time to learn, and I have learned that ideas don't count for shit, they they go. I hear so many pitches, you know I do a lot of angel investing. I work with entrepreneurs all over the world. They all want to pitch me on the idea and they are fun and you are listening but the thing is no idea, zero ideas end up turning into the companies that they become.


The successful companies all are this winding path of one thing leads to another, almost never in fact never do things that are successful goal lead directly from the idea they started with. And so what I've learned is that the key thing is you gotta do it. That the more time you spend thinking about it, the more time you are wasting, they are trying to envision that, "can I see around the corner", "can I figured it out and even worse, entrepreneurs get these things stuck in their heads and they're safe and they're warm and they can build them and they can make them into multi national corporations, and they can imagine and all the amazing things when everyone is using this app without spending the first moment figuring out how they're going to actually get the one person to use the app.


And here's the trick. The one way is you just got to do it. You have get to say, "I am just got to start and I'm going to start completely half-ass and I know I'm gonna stumble. It's not going to work. But by taking that first step, I am going to start the process of learning what might work. And what I've learned, my process, is to break down all pride, to break down all sense that this is going to happen to work well, and just freaking do it. And what's taken me a while is to get more and more comfortable with how crappy it can be and still be a learning experience. And I've come to learn that this, in my opinion is the skill that separates the great entrepreneurs from the mediocre ones. It's not how good their ideas are, but how clever and creative they can be about figuring out ways to try their ideas, quickly, simply and cheaply.



















