01 Checking and Testing Refined

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所属专辑:checking and testing


Testing and Checking Refined

Tools encroach into every process they touch and tools change those processes. 
As Marshall McLuhan said “We shape our tools, and thereafter our tools shape us.”

We may witness how industrialization changes cabinet craftsmen into cabinet factories, and that may tempt us to speak of the changing role of the cabinet maker, but the cabinet factory worker is certainly not a mutated cabinet craftsman. The cabinet craftsmen are still out there– fewer of them, true– nowhere near a factory, turning out expensive and well-made cabinets.

 there now exists a vast marketplace for software products that are expected to be distributed and updated instantly.

We want to test a product very quickly. How do we do that? It’s tempting to say “Let’s make tools do it!” This puts enormous pressure on skilled software testers and those who craft tools for testers to use. Meanwhile, people who aren’t skilled software testers have visions of the industrialization of testing similar to those early cabinet factories. Yes, there have always been these pressures, to some degree. Now the drumbeat for “continuous deployment” has opened another front in that war.

We believe that skilled cognitive work is not factory work. That’s why it’s more important than ever to understand what testing is and how tools can support it.

For this reason, in the Rapid Software Testing methodology, we distinguish between aspects of the testing process that machines can do versus those that only skilled humans can do. We have done this linguistically by adapting the ordinary English word “checking” to refer to what tools can do. This is exactly parallel with the long established convention of distinguishing between “programming” and “compiling.” Programming is what human programmers do. Compiling is what a particular tool does for the programmer, even though what a compiler does might appear to be, technically, exactly what programmers do. Come to think of it, no one speaks of automated programming or manual programming. There is programming, and there is lots of other stuff done by tools. Once a tool is created to do that stuff, it is never called programming again.

Testing is the process of evaluating a product by learning about it through exploration and experimentation, which includes to some degree: questioning, study, modeling, observation, inference, etc.

(A test is an instance of testing.)

Checking is the process of making evaluations by applying algorithmic decision rules to specific observations of a product.

(A check is an instance of checking.)





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简介:邰晓梅 海盗派测试创始人,PRE学习法提出者,中国软件测试大会ChinaTest联合创始人,独立软件测试顾问,《海盗派测试分析:MFQ&PPDCS》的作者,目前居住在中国上海。她有超过17年的软件测试从业经验、近10年的敏捷项目经验。晓梅作为一名测试人员在华为工作了11年,2012年起成为一名独立顾问。晓梅与世界各地的测试专家密切合作,积极引进各类测试技术和方法,她已经帮助多家企业改善他们的测试实践,切实提升了测试人员的能力,相信测试思维和测试技能是软件测试的核心,把测试当作一门匠艺。