WCL E2: Joseph Skipsey – poet and pitman

2023-03-25 13:20:2650:58 91
所属专辑:Working Class History


“工人阶级文学播客”的第二期节目讲述来自英格兰东北部的诗人和煤矿工人Joseph Skipsey(1832 - 1903)。他7岁进入矿场,长大后成为全国闻名的诗人,并得到19世纪一些最有名的艺术家的尊重。

在这一期节目中,我们采访了研究者Gordon Tait博士和诗人的玄外孙、音乐家Chris Harrison,两位都对Joseph Skipsey的生活和诗歌做大量的研究和谱曲的工作。在许多方面,Skipsey不仅象征着维多利亚时代英国工人阶级所承受的深重苦难,也象征着许多人往往不顾这些苦难,努力过着具有创造性的生活;更不用说在这些努力获得成功后,他们所创造出的美。


1832年7月8日,在英格兰北部诺森伯兰和达勒姆煤田的叛乱时期,罢工中的Joseph Skipsey被枪杀,留下妻子和八个孩子。最小的孩子叫Joseph,当时只有三个月大。然而,尽管自己从小就不得不进入矿井,Joseph Skipsey长大后却成为全国知名的诗人,受到他那个时代一些最伟大的艺术家的尊重。

Pall Mall Gazette, 1889.

Gordon Tait:Skipsey的诗来自他的阅读。它受到《失乐园》的启发,受到莎士比亚的启发。它甚至受到华兹华斯的启发,这些都是英国文学的巨匠,但在他所用到的这些参考中,这些文学往往又是时过境迁的。他没有机会接触到绝对的“当代高级文化”,因此,他的写作可能看起来有点古老。评论家乔纳森·罗斯(Jonathan Rose)将此描述为 "文化滞后",工人阶级的艺术家和作家只能接触到被视为过时的文化艺术品。他们被认为是不时髦的。一个工人阶级作家可能只能接触到一卷诗歌,或者一卷评论,可能是五六十年前的出版的,因为只有老书,对他们才够便宜。

主持人Matt:读者经常把 Skipsey比作为另一位诗人,或者说他们声称 Skipsey是受到了后者的影响——那就是经典的浪漫派诗人威廉·布莱克。例如,奥斯卡·王尔德曾说,布莱克和Skipsey有一种共同的韵律亲和力,有一种让简单的事物在我们看来奇怪,让奇怪的事物看起来简单的神奇力量。Skipsey最有名的诗是《哈特利灾难》,其灵感来自1862年令人震惊哈特利煤矿灾难事件。

* 哈特利煤矿灾难是1862年1月16日发生在英国诺森伯兰的一起煤矿事故,导致204名男子和儿童死亡。事故原因是矿井抽水机的横梁断裂,掉下井去,把人困在下面。几个世纪以来矿井都因为矿场主节省成本的原因,而只开一个出入口,当这唯一的出入口被堵死后,就酿成了英格兰史上最严重的一场矿难。

Chris: Skipsey曾在慈善活动中非常具有力量地背诵这首他的诗作《哈特利灾难》,为在这场矿难中失去亲人的家庭筹集资金。Skipsey的矿难诗和当时其他人创作的矿难诗的一个主要区别是,他从内在角度书写,因为他就是一个矿工。

在播客的14'56开始:由Chris Harrison改编谱曲的《哈特利灾难》。

The Hartley Calamity

The Hartley men are noble, and
Ye’ll hear a tale of woe
I’ll tell the tale of the Hartley men
The year of sixty-two

Twas on a Thursday morning
In the first month of the year
When there befell an event which well
May rend your heart to hear.

Before the day when most folk lay
Still sleeping in their beds
The Hartley men are up and off
To earn their daily bread.

On they toil, in heat they broil
And streams of sweat and glue – 
The stour to their skins, till they
Are black as the coal they hew.

Now back and forth the putters go
The wagons to and fro
And clang and clang of wheel and hoof
Ring in the mine below.

The din and strife of human life
Awake in board and wall
When suddenly they feel a shock
And terror grips them all.

Each bosom thuds as each his duds
He snatches and away.
Towards the distant shaft he flees
With all the speed he may

They flee, they flee, by two, by three
Towards the shaft, and seek
An answer in each other’s face
For what they dare not speak.

Are we entombed? They seem to ask
For the shaft is blocked, and no –
Escape have they to God’s bright day
From out the night below.

So stand in pain the Hartley men
And swiftly o’er them comes
Fond thoughts of their families
And memories of their homes.

Despair at length renews their strength
For they the shaft must clear
And soon the sound of mall and pick
Drowns out the voice of fear.

And hark to the blow of the mall below
Do sounds above reply?
Hurra, hurra, for the Hartley men
For now their rescue’s nigh.

But even as for their escape
The men to hope did dare
A further rumble shakes the mine
And drives them to despair.

Yet as they kneel, again they feel
Their strength renewed, again
The ring and swing of the mall attest
The might of the Hartley men.

And hark to the blow of the mall below
Do sounds above reply?
Hurra, hurra, for the Hartley men
For now their rescue’s nigh.

But the beam that collapsed has blocked the shaft
There’s nowhere left to crawl
One by one the lights go out
And darkness covers all

Dear father, till the shaft is cleared
Close beside me keep
My strength is gone, my eyes are tired
I know that I must sleep

O, sleep, my son, close by I’ll stay
And a watch o’er thee I’ll keep
To stay awake the father strives
But he knows he too must sleep.

Dear brother, till the shaft is cleared
Close beside us keep
My strength is gone, my eyes are tired
I know that I must sleep

Sleep, brother, sleep, close by I’ll stay
And a watch o’er thee I’ll keep
To stay awake the brother strives
But he knows he too will sleep.

So down below the Hartley men
Prepared to meet their fate
While up above by the black pit-heap
People could only wait.

And fathers, brothers, sisters, mothers
The lover and the new-made bride
A vigil kept for those who slept
From eve to morning tide.

Yet still they sleep in silence dread
Two hundred old and young
To awake when heaven and earth have sped
And the final trumpet rung.



Gordon:工人阶级作家——譬如"矿工诗人",也被困在一套惯例和一种期望中,也就是说他们必须在他们所来自的社区和他们所属的行业中写作。但人们却不会对一个中产阶级作家有同样的期待。Chris:这也是一个两难的问题,一方面你不想把他归为 "矿工诗人 "或“人阶级作家”,但另一方面,他的确是一个工人阶级作家。作为维多利亚时代工人阶级的一员,他能够实现他所做的一切,这是非常重要的,需要被认可。我们必须意识到一个人的来源。他写作的事实,以及有人能从他出生的这种环境中走出来,并成功地成为一个诗人,一个优秀的诗人和一个国家认可的诗人。这是对他的人性、创造力和意愿的证明。


Chris Harrison的《来自煤田的颂歌》:


链接到Chris Harrison的网站,包含他围绕Joseph Skipsey的诗歌所创作的音乐的更多信息。




Joseph Skipsey,"农民诗人",以及W.B.叶芝所写的一封未发表的信




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