Unit-10 Part 7 the Onion movie

2023-05-16 09:32:1337
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看着玩,没有什么任务,just enjoy it.

Dirk: Hey, welcome to Volt Village. My name is Dirk. What can I help you find today?
Man:   Hey, Dirk. Um, my computer ... it’s a few years old, and I feel like I’m ready for a new one.
Dirk: I got just the thing. The Bates 4000. Absolute cutting- edge. These babies came in on Tuesday. They’re packed, man. Eighty “G’s” of RAM. We’re talking a quad-port 900 processor, D.V.K. compatible memory card, dual-burning DVD drives, plus a 16,000 C.T.C. combo-drive with a plus-four digital upgrade card. This will knock the shit out of your ass.
Man:Well, I’m just looking for your basic, simple home computer.
Dirk:I know, your wife has you by the purse strings. But you know what? This is the Bates 4000. It doesn’t get any better than this. It’s not going anywhere. This is the future.
Man:Well, I have the Bates 1000 and that worked ...
Dirk:Oh, excuse me. You have the Bates 1000. Oh that’s great! Fuck, man, wow! You know maybe you should talk to a homeless woman outside ’cause maybe she’ll be impressed. Those things are barbaric. I mean, last time I checked, they didn’t even have a delete key on it. I’m ... I’m joking, of course. But look, this is the future. You get my point?

Man: Yeah.
Dirk: Okay? Let’s write you up.
Man:All right, let’s do it.
Dirk:All right, my friend.
Wife:Wow, honey. Are you sure we needed such a fancy one?
Man:You kidding? This thing’s got a quad-port 900 processor and a 16,000 C.T.D. combo-drive with ...
Young man on TV: Dude, you’re not still using the Bates 4000, are you? That thing’s ancient.
Middle-aged man on TV: Really?
Young man on TV: Really. You got to get you one of these: the Bates 5000. Absolute cutting-edge.
Middle-aged man on TV: Wow, that is newer. Thanks.
TV announcer: The new Bates 5000. Throw your 4000 away. It’s a piece of shit.
Man over radio: This is Hard Drive Hal, your computer expert. My guest today is Bates C.E.O. Gil Bates. Now, he’s here to talk about perhaps the most powerful machine ever built: the Bates 6000, and it’s available in stores right now.

Man: Yeah.
Dirk: Okay? Let’s write you up.
Man: All right, let’s do it.
Dirk:All right, my friend.
Wife:Wow, honey. Are you sure we needed such a fancy one?
Man:You kidding? This thing’s got a quad-port 900 processor and a 16,000 C.T.D. combo-drive with ...
Young man on TV: Dude, you’re not still using the Bates 4000, are you? That thing’s ancient.
Middle-aged man on TV: Really?
Young man on TV: Really. You got to get you one of these: the Bates 5000. Absolute cutting-edge.
Middle-aged man on TV: Wow, that is newer. Thanks.
TV announcer: The new Bates 5000. Throw your 4000 away. It’s a piece of shit.
Man over radio: This is Hard Drive Hal, your computer expert. My guest today is Bates C.E.O. Gil Bates. Now, he’s here to talk about perhaps the most powerful machine ever built: the Bates 6000, and it’s available in stores right now.









