
2023-05-20 00:13:5003:25 6782


It is literally at the darkest moment when it dawns, you don't really even get to the next level, to your darkest moments.


No matter what you've ever been through, you had to go through it to get right here. There's glory on the other side of pain. No pain lasts always. And when you make up your mind to deal with pain, because you know what it feels like, man, ain't a devil in hell can stop what you're trying to do. There's one side of pain. That's the suffering and the discomfort side of pain.


But then there's another side of pain. that'scalled effort. It's called glory. It's called if you can find a way to push through pain, there's something greater on the other side ofit.And if you never tap into it, it's because the first time you felt that you backed off.


Stop tripping when it getsdark and you running,you`rerunning from your success. Why would you do something for 10 years then quit? If you was gonna quit, you should have quit. When you put your first grandin it, you're like 9800 hours deep into it. It only takes 10000 hours. So it's not the darkest moment that's the problem. You're the problem and your perspective is the problem.


Every time you comeup to a challenge, you quit, you surrender, you give in. Every single thing I go through, I remember I was homelessand I draw from it every single time. I'm going through pain. I remember thatI've gone through pain since I was a kid. I draw from and recycle your pain, get somethingfrom ityou already in pain, use it. Do something with it.


Allow it to take you to the next level. Allow your pain to push you to greatness. You must eradicate excuses. You will never, ever point the finger at anybody again. You will never blame another human being even if they`rewrong. You will not point the finger. You will not say because she didn't do what she was supposed to do or because he didn't do what he was supposed to do, I couldn't do what I was supposed to do. You're never gonna say that again. You're going to take 100% ownership.


Take full responsibility for your life. Accept where you are and the responsibility that you're going to take yourself where you want to go. We have 2 primary choices in life. We can either accept conditions as they exist or we can take the responsibility to change them.


The difference betweenthe winners in life and the people that constantly live their lives on the lowest level is that the winners handle problems better. They look at the situation and they say, what do I need to do instead of why me? And they look to fix the problem so that the next time around they're prepared for it. If you want to be a real winner in life, don't try and avoid problems. Get really masterful at handling them.


See, a lot of people want to exempt themselves from taking responsibility. All they want to do is talk about the problem. Every time you see them, they'll tell you their story over and over again. No, you want to take responsibility for your life.I got me here. I can get me out of this, and I'm getting out. You can decide that you're going to change, that you're not going to be a wimp. I'm not gonna be a volunteer victim.






