Criminal racketeering ESG scoring ?

2023-06-23 14:11:5403:01 59
所属专辑:ESG News
From James Lindsay
And all of its subsidiaries, that is called the environmental social governance or ESG scoring, large financial institutions that control a very large amount of resources. Most people's pension funds, at least in the United States, probably globally, are tied up in long term investments that are things called fancy index funds. And in 2003, a scam was cooked up at the United Nations to try to figure out how to leverage all of that passive capital to do what they call impact investing. In other words, to do activism with it, how do we mobilize people's long term investments to invest in green energy companies or invest in you know, social responsibility initiatives or whatever they wanted to call them whatever corporate nonsense words they stuck on them, and they have cooked up this scoring scheme, and they have a mass, they control so much capital that they have several levers over our largest corporations. So I do think some of our larger corporations are involved willingly and enthusiastically. I think some wandered in and don't know how to wander out, but I think some are, there very much against their will. Because you know the business of business in the 21stcentury. And that's got to be repaired. Again, that's a shining line of like Ray of Hope shining through this because if there are large numbers of our corporations that do not want to participate in this that are being held against their will by what amounts to a financial extortion racket. I mean, literal criminal racketeering through ESG scoring, then that's something that can be brought to trial. That's something that can actually be broken up. If we get the large enough mobilization in the people that starts to force the G never do the right thing on their own. They have to be forced to do that by the will of the large numbers of people. And so if we get people to understand the problem and sort of forced the hand of the G to prosecute this scam, it could actually come down.

