凯特·布兰切特 | 教你学澳洲俚语

2023-07-28 03:13:3005:46 2232

What's that say? Mystery bag? Is that what men call what they put in their pants? Hmm. Mystery bag. What's that gonna be like?


Hi, I'm Cate Blanchett and I'm here to teach you about Australian slang. Or, g'day, cobber. I'm here to talk to you about some Aussie lingo!

嗨,我是凯特·布兰切特,我在这里想教你们一些澳洲俚语,或者说g’day cobber(老兄,你好), 我想来和你们谈谈一些澳洲行话。

Back of Bourke, or, Backerbourke. Back of Bourke is **** nowhere. Okay.

Back of Bourke 或者读作Backerbourke. Back of Bourke就是鸟不生蛋的地方。

Brekkie. That's what we call breakfast.


Dinky-di. That means you're okay, cobber.


Oh, piker. If you are a piker, it means you're not giving it a good Aussie go.

Piker, 如果你是一个piker, 你就不是一个好澳大利亚人。

Thingo. You know when you can't remember something, when you got early onset dementia like I do, you go, oh, where's that? Where's that mobile thingo? It's a very, very useful word.

Thingo, 就是有时不记得某个东西叫啥,就像我一样出现早发性痴呆的时候,你会说,那个东西在哪?就是那个能边走边打电话的玩意儿在哪?这是个超级有用的词。

What's that? Shonky? Oh, I love the word. Shonky means something just is so badly made. Like most of the films that I've been in, except for Tar. It's a good one. Go see it.

这是啥?Shonky? 啊,我喜欢这个词。它的意思是某种东西的质量很差,就像我演过的很多电影一样,除了《塔尔》,那是一部好电影,记得去看哦。

Footy. Now this is a really, really important word to know. This is true football. It's not soccer, which is also called football. It's not football or what you call American football. That's not a football, that's just like a a lemon that you just throw around and think. This is the real game of football where people don't wear any pads. They, they run like the clappers at one another. Kind of try to punch one other jump in the air and catch the ball. That is footy. Love it.

Footy. 这个词要重点说说了,这才是真正意义上的足球。它跟英语中的“soccer”或者“football”不一样,这也不是橄榄球,或者美式足球?美式足球也不是足球,那就跟我们那个柠檬扔来扔去一样。我认为Footy才是正真的足球比赛,运动员不用穿任何衬垫,他们朝对方猛冲过去,有点像互相攻击,跳起来抢球。这就是澳式足球。我喜欢!

Okay. Porky. Now, that's often what actresses are called. We're not porky. Porky is like a porky pie or a lie. Now, did you tell a porky? I've used it to my kids a lot. Oh, don't tell porkies.

接着是Porky,经常有人用它来形容女演员,但我们不是这样的人。Porky就是Porky Pie,也就是谎言的意思。比如“你是不是撒谎了?”我经常这样问孩子,可不能撒谎哦。

Grundies? See, maybe this is, depending on where you're from. In Australia, you might call your undies grundies, or you might call them bundies. I call them bundies or scungies depending on how often you wash.


Oh, hooroo, this is very, yeah, so hooroo! It's like, bye-bye. Like that one.


Chewie. Now this is not Chewbacca. Chewie is chewing gum, because when you're chewing gum it's really hard to say the word gum. So you go chewie, chewie.


Defo. Really great word. I usually spell it with two F's. Because you go "deffo". It means that it's something is absolutely 100% correct. Like, how would you say, "are you coming out tonight, mate?" You go "yeah, deffo."


Dunny. This is not a word that I like my children to use. We like to use loo. You don't say toilet in England because that is really you just can really imagine what people are doing in there. If you say dunny, you can, yeah, well, I don't probably don't need to say anymore.


Actually, in the back streets of Melbourne where I I grew up, they used to hav the, these outhouse loos. And I did a history of Melbourne when I was at at high school, which is really interesting. We got to walk the back streets and the, the loo man, the dunny man used to come along and you know before you had flushing toilets used to take the can. And I read an account where it was quite common for people to leave a Christmas present for the dunny man. You know, bottle of beer stuck into the dunny.


Fair dinkum. You can imagine that. I mean, you've heard that one. That's one little bit cliche.

Fair dinkum,你们应该能猜到它的意思(千真万确的意思),你们应该听过这个词,有点烂大街了。

Two up. I mean, I mean this is really...we are really going back in history. This is a game. There's a, in Australia, there's a saying that, you know people will bet on anything like two flies climbing up, climbing up the wall. "Which one's gonna make it first mate?" "I dunno. I reckon the run on the right that's a big blowy!" Two up is like a game. You play with two pennies and you throw them up in the air and you say heads two heads or two tails and then you bet on how it's gonna land. Two up, two down.

Two up,这个词很早很早之前就出现了。这是一种游戏,在澳大利亚有种说法,不管什么事情人们都能下赌注。比如,两只苍蝇在墙上爬,“哥们儿,你觉得哪只先爬到顶?”“不好说,就右边那只吧,那可是一只大苍蝇。”Two up是一种用两枚硬币来玩儿的游戏,把硬币抛向空中,然后你说“正面”,“两个正面”或“两个反面”,你要对硬币落地时的正反面押注。两个正面,两个反面。

Bathers. That's your budgie smugglers, what you wear to go swimming in. That's probably quite obvious, isn't it? But it depends. If you're in New South Wales, you might say, "Hey, come on we're going for a swim. Bring your swimmers", which is your cozzie. See, there's a few words. Cozzie, bathers, swimmers.


Mad as a cut snake. That's me. No. Mad as a cut snake means you're completely off your rocker. You're insane, basically. But it's kind of said with affection. "Oh, he's mad as a cut snake."

Mad as a cut snake,说的就是我。不是啦,它指的是某个人彻底疯了,就是说一个人很疯狂。但这其实也带有一点积极的情感,”嚯嚯,他太猛了。”

Milk bar. Oh look, this, it's been a great loss. The corner store, our equivalent of the corner store was a milk bar where where you could get, you know, 20 cents of sweets. You buy your milk, you buy bread. Yeah. Now it's just a 7-Eleven.

Milk bar,啊,这个真是我们的一大损失,它指的是小卖部,我们把小卖部称作milk bar,你能在那里买两毛钱的糖果,买点牛奶啊,面包啊之类的。不过现在都变成了7-11便利店了,

Oldies. That's your folks, that's your mom and dad which I guess is that's what I am now. Yep.


Pash. Oh my goodness. This is Kathy Lette. Our national treasure, Kathy Lette, author, introduced me to this word pash. That's what we also call a toungie. It's, it's when you really get in there with a big old smooch that's, you know often ends up in a love bite. It's like a, it's a really passionate kiss.


Ripper. That, oh, "you ripper, you beauty". It means that's a really, it's really fantastic. It's great. It's something that someone is, you know they get their honorary doctorate degree or their doctorate in philosophy. "You ripper, mate. You've got your doctorate in philosophy!"


Rort. Fraud? Rort? Yeah. Basically what most major corporations in America are doing right now.


I hope you've learned something today. When you eventually come to Australia and see what a wonderful country it is you'll be able to speak the lingo. Thanks guys.
























雾中回忆【凯特.莫顿 澳】

