Ice Fishing 冰钓

2023-08-06 22:28:0203:51 37
Sara sat in her class, listening to her teacher talk about life in water. It was her first winter in Canada. She knew that the lakes froze during the winter. But what happens to the water animals? Where do they go?Her teacher explained that even in the coldest winter,the lake doesn't freeze right to the bottom. Below the ice,fish are still there living their lives.
At recess,her best triend tisa said.
"One of my favourite winter activities is ice fishing." "Ice fishing? What's that?"Sara asked. Lisa smiled, "My grandfather and I are going icefishing this weekend. Would you like to come with us? You
will learn what ice fishing is. And it's fun! I promise."After receiving permission from her parents, Sarajoined Lisa and her grandfather on the ice fishing trip.At the lake, the girls waited on shore while Grandfather drilled a test hole. "It must be at least 25 centimetres thick,"he explained. "Safety is the most important thing." He used his power drill to make a hole in the ice. He then measured
the thickness. "More than 40 centimetres," he said.
"Safe enough. Let's go fishing!"At a spot in the middle of the lake, they drilled three holes through the ice, each big enough to pull a large fish through.
Then, Lisa took out three "fishing poles". They were not at all like the poles used for summer fishing. Each pole was simply a length of fishing line and a hook, attached to a stick.
"This is your fishing hole here," explained Lisa. "Just let your line sink, and then hold on tight! Remember, fish are hungry in winter."They sat there on the frozen lake, the sun high and the
day cold, but beautiful. Around them, other fishermen were ice fishing too.
Soon, Sara felt a strong tug at the end of her line.
Grandfather noticed it too. "Hurry!" he said. "Start pulling!"She jerked on the line and felt a heavy load at the other end. She began to pull the line up. Lisa stood there cheering her on.
Soon, Sara could see a fish on her line through the half-frozen hole.Sara could hardly believe her luck. On her first try at ice fishing she had landed a large fish. Grandfather congratulated her. "You are like a real Canadian today," he said. "You can take your fish home for supper with your parents tonight."


on Ice



Elementals: Ice Wolves



小白船-Ice Paper



寒木居士-Ice Paper

