Unit-02 Part 7

2023-10-02 20:02:01138
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  *an endless expanse of hostile wilderness 一片无尽的充满敌意的荒原
*bison 野牛
*Potomac 波托马克河(美国中东部最重要的河流,流经首都华盛顿)
*grizzly bear 灰熊(产于北美西部);*stroll 漫步,散步
*conceivable 可以想到的;*Wyoming 怀俄明州(美国州名)
*a sobering fact 一个发人深省的事实

*The Endangered Species Act

 The first Europeans on this continent had a common enemy to conquer. It was called nature. America seemed to be an endless expanse of hostile wilderness. Bison wandered along the Potomac. Grizzly bears strolled the beaches of California. Human beings did not even know it was possible for a species to go extinct, but we learned ... Hundreds of creatures slipped into extinction. Even our national symbol was disappearing before our eyes. But then America did something no other country had ever done. In 1973, we passed a law to save our wild creatures. The Endangered Species Act protects the lives and habitats of plants and animals in immediate danger of extinction. Today, there are over a thousand species on the list.
    David and Susan’s quest to photograph the endangered species of America has taken them over hundreds of thousands of miles through all 50 states and every conceivable American landscape. (Susan’s voice) “When you’re driving across America, you understand why so many plants and animals are endangered. They’re losing their homes. We are building a human world and losing a wild one.” From Wyoming, the road goes east to Cambridge, Massachusetts. But they’re not going to find an endangered creature, they’re meeting one of the greatest experts on why species go extinct — distinguished scientist, Edward O. Wilson. (Edward’s voice) “ It’s a sobering fact there is an extinction crisis. There have always been species going extinct from time to time. But now human activity has pushed it up a hundred to a thousand times. We are in the midst of a biological catastrophe. That’s the greatest since the end of the age of dinosaurs 65 million years ago. What I hope you’ll succeed in doing is to make endangered species a vivid presence in the lives of people. 
Make it clear to them that every endangered species has a name, has a billion year history, has a place in the world. Bring us face to face with each one of those species. Make us know that they’re our companions in the biosphere. They’re not just something out there you look at once in a while, but they’re part of our existence. They’re part of us. Human beings are the masters of this world now. We can take these animals and plants with us as we travel into the future or we can say good-bye and send them into the night. But whether we realize it or not, we depend utterly on other creatures for our very survival. They are part of our existence. They are part of us.”









