2023年12月英语四级听力(第二套) 长对话(1)

2023-12-28 22:06:4402:39 310

Question 8:
A) He has to play football with workmates.
B) He has got some books to read.
C) He is going to visit a friend.
D) He is physically unfit for it.

Question 9:
A) To teach kids about animal protection.
B) To learn how popular zoos could be.
C) To see some rare animals in cages.
D) To give her little nephew a treat.

Question 10:
A) He enjoys excellent health.
B) He is keen on extreme sports.
C) He coaches tennis players every week.
D) He spends most of his time in the gym.

Question 11:
A) Tending to his swollen ankle.
B) Concentrating on reading.
C) Writing three book reports.
D) Planning Christmas celebrations.

Q8: Why can’t the man go for a run Saturday morning?
Q9: Why is the woman’s whole family going to the zoo next Saturday?
Q10: What do we learn about Dan from the man’s description?
Q11: What has the man been doing since last weekend?

