Why not now

2024-01-17 08:46:1705:13 53
Why not now
Why not now,This is a good time,As the twentieth century starts to wind down a few more years as we get ready for century twenty one ,what a good time.To set your goals work on yourself, work on your skills.what a good time ,to get it together, what a good time ,to start this process.Personal development, growing, changing ,developing,Having a good plan for your money and for your life and for your future.why not now,Was now up,no opportunity wasted,Listen to me very carefully guy ,listen to me very carefully you got to hear what i am saying this is very important.There eighty six thousand four hundred seconds and a day and if you maximize each and every one of them you will live like you want to live you will have what you want to have, and you will be what you want to be.You can have more than you have got because you can become more than you are.
If you just remain how you are, you will always have what you got.But if you are to make changes the next,Five years of your life can be totally different than the last five.If you don't change chances are excellent the next five will be like the last five.For things to change,you have to change for things to get better,It's not what happens the determined your future, it's what you do about what happens.
Directions determined destination,All you have got to do is make a little change in direction to arrive at a brand new destination in two years three years five years.Either have to change your life,Is you kind of say you what my body isn't there.To work out my relationship was in there i am going to change it.I am going to get a new skill i m going to go back to school i m going to start a business i m going to do something.
Do something to change your life,Or in order you to be happy ,You can't change your life you re going to have to change a blueprint.Usually a knife requires a little bit of each,And if you have change you take change your life and change your blueprint ,you can have an extraordinary life because all of us are going to have times in our life.When what we want or think life should be like,Isn't going to match our life really is those moments if we blame our life goes into pain.If we change we can change our life and match our blueprint.The fact that you re not happy,Has nothing to do with what you have or don't have.
The fact that you re not happy is that your life doesn't match the way .Have some idea of how you think it should be,listen To me there are those of you , what you re doing is that there are ten opportunities in a day and you take an advantage of seven of a you.You have got to hear me you only have twenty four hours and a day and you have heard me say this time and i m again the way your twenty four hours.the determined how you live ,if you want the future to change for you.You have got to change. if you don't change the next six years of your life is going to be just like the last six.You still be behind on your bills you will still be behind on your promises.No opportunity wasted,Again no opportunity wasted,One of us can do it hey we all can do it.And now here's my last question why not now!


WHY NOT? 为什么不?



Why Golf



so why

