I love my body!

2024-01-24 18:50:3002:57 38
I love my body just the way it is,Every day i am more and more comfortable in my body.My body is worthy of love and kindness,I enjoy taking good care of my body,I send love and appreciation to every part of my body.My body is the temple of my soul and i love and respect it.It's okay for me to love myself and my body,It's okay for me to feel good about my appearance,It's okay for me to give my body the care that it needs.I love and appreciate my unique body,I am feeling healthy and strong today,I appreciate all the good things my body does for me,I send strength and vitality to every part of my body.My body is unique and special,With every breath i breathe in confidence and joy,My body is a gift to be cherished,I feel comfortable and at home in my body,I love my body's unique size shape and,And appearance,I am beautiful inside and out,I thank my body for doing its best every day.

