《简·爱》英文版)Part 4Chapter 72

2024-03-24 14:43:4504:34 181
72 《简·爱》(英文版)
Now the brilliantness still goes on.
Jane Eyre, by english writer,Charlotte Brontte.
Part 4 Life with Mr Rochester
Chapter 72 Mr Rochester’s explanation
He seems to read my thoughts. Rushing furiously across the room, he seized me violently and stayed fiercely into my eyes.He could have broken me in two with one hand, but he could not break my spirit. Small and weak as I was, I stared firmly back at him.
“Your eyes ,Jane,”he said,“are the eyes of the bird, free, wild being:even if I break your cage,I can't reach you, beautiful creature! You’ll fly away from me. But you could choose to fly to me!Come, Jane ,come!”He let me go,and only looked at me. How hard it was to resist that look!
“I'm going,” I said.
“Does my deep love mean nothing to you? 0h Jane, my hope… my love… my life!”And he threw himself despairingly on the sofa. I had reached the door, but l could not leave. I walked back, bent over him ,and kissed his cheek.
“Goodbye, my dear master!” l said.“May God protect you!”
“Without your love ,Jane, my heart is broken,” he said . “But perhaps you will,so generously ,give me your love after all-”He jumped up with hope in his eyes, holding out his arms to me. But I turned and ran out of the room.
That night l only slept a little, dreaming of the red room at Gateshead . The moonlight shone into my bedroom, as it did then, and I saw a vision on the ceiling, a white figure looking down on me,it seemed to whisper to my spirit,“Daughter, leave now before you are tempted to stay.”
“Mother, I will,”I answered. And when I woke up, although it was still dark outside, I wrapped up some spare clothes in the parcel, and put a little money in a purse. As l crept downstairs, I could hear Mr Rochester in his room ,walking up and down and sighing. I could find heaven in this room if I wanted. I just had to enter and say,“I will love you and live with you through life until death!”My hand moved towards the handle. But I stopped myself and went miserably downstairs and out of the house.
Setting out on the road, l could not help thinking of Mr Rochester despair when he found himself abandoned. I hated myself for wounding him and for perhaps driving him to a life of wickedness ,or even death. I wanted desperately to be with him, to comfort him, but somehow I made myself keep walking, and when a coach passed, I arranged to travel on it as far as my money
would pay for. Inside the coach I cried the bitterest tears of my life.
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简爱 英文版 Jane•Eyre



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