Creditor: 债权人

2024-05-22 18:33:2300:57 23
The term creditor refers to an individual or entity (such as a business or bank) that has lent money or extended credit to another party, making the latter legally obligated to pay back the debt.

Creditors can be classified into different types based on the nature of the debt, such as secured creditors (who have a lien on specific assets of the debtor) and unsecured creditors (who do not have such security interests).


Imagine a small business, “ABC Widgets,” takes out a loan from “XYZ Bank” to purchase new equipment.
想象一个小企业,“ABC Widgets”,从“XYZ 银行”贷款购买新设备。

In this scenario, XYZ Bank is the creditor, and ABC Widgets is the debtor.
在这种情况下,XYZ 银行是债权人,而 ABC Widgets 是债务人。

The bank extends the loan under the condition that ABC Widgets will repay it with interest according to a set schedule.
银行在一个设定的时间表条件下提供贷款,要求 ABC Widgets 带着利息偿还它。

If ABC Widgets fails to meet its payment obligations, XYZ Bank has the legal right to initiate actions to recover the owed money, potentially including seizing assets if the loan is secured.
如果 ABC Widgets 未能履行其付款义务,XYZ 银行有法律权利采取行动回收欠款,如果贷款有担保,可能包括查封资产。

