
2022-08-18 21:46

2022-08-19 00:25
1, ultrasound findings: the anteroposterior diameter of the uterus in the 53mm, in front of the palace wall exploration and size of about 42mm by 38mm slightly strong echo group, with clear border, had regular shape; bilateral annex areas showed no abnormalities; pelvic no effusion. In 2, the ultrasonic tips: Uterine space occupying; ( consider leiomyoma ) inspection date: 2012-11-17
1 Findings of ultrasound: the anteroposterior diameter of the uterus is 53 mm_ a 42-mm slightly stronger echo group in the front wall of the uterus, the border is very clear relatively. the shape is regular. no abnormal in the both side of the attatchment.no pyema in the pelvic cavity.
2 reminder of ultrasound: uterus solid mass (considering muscle tumor).
checking Novemeber 17th ,2012