
2022-09-21 15:51

2022-09-21 19:58
1 What would the result / outcome be like if we had previously insisted ? (现在 + 过去)

2 What would have become of the outcome had we previously insisted ? (过去 + 过去)
If we were to persevere, what then?
其实整段话的来龙去脉也很重要。一句话要怎么说,强调什么,是与上句和下句都有关系的。Context 很重要。我个人觉得条件放前面或后面的都很正常,就看你要强调什么。
What would it be like if we held on to last. 英语习惯是条件从句放后面

If we held on to the very last from the beginning, what would the outcome be now?