that's it aha aha

2023-09-28 14:10

Oooh That's the way,(aha aha) I like it (aha aha)
That's the way, (aha aha) I like it (aha aha)
That's the way, (aha aha) I like it (aha aha)
That's the way, (aha aha) I like it (aha aha)
When you take me by the hand, tell me I'm your loving man
When you give me all your love and do it baby, the very best you can
Oooh That's the way,(aha aha) I like it (aha aha)
That's the way, (aha aha) I like it (aha aha)
That's the way, (aha aha) I like it (aha aha)
That's the way, (aha aha) I like it (aha aha)
When I get to be in your arms, when we're all all alone
When you whisper sweet in my ear, when you turn, turn me on.
Oooh That's the way,(aha aha) I like it (aha aha)
That's the way, (aha aha) I like it (aha aha)
That's the way, (aha aha) I like it (aha aha)
That's the way, (aha aha) I like it (aha aha)
Say O.K.
That's the way, (aha),that's the way (aha)
Say O.K.
That's the way, (aha) that's the way (aha)
That's the way, (aha aha) I like it (aha aha)
That's the way, (aha aha) I like it (aha aha)
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Oooh That's the way,(aha aha) I like it (aha aha)
That's the way, (aha aha) I like it (aha aha)
That's the way, (aha aha) I like it (aha aha)
That's the way, (aha aha) I like it (aha aha)
Say O.K.
That's the way, (aha),that's the way (aha)
Say O.K.
That's the way, (aha) that's the way (aha)
就它了,就是它了!这句话用that's it 合适吗?
2个回答2023-10-15 15:57
that's it 你说的没错,就是这句话!
有一首歌,里面经常出现“that's the way you like it,that's the way you like i
1个回答2023-09-29 20:25
是不是Backstreet Boys: That's the way I like it?
that's OK是啥意思
3个回答2023-10-23 00:52
that's ok和that is ok可以翻译为:没关系,可以,还好或者那好吧! 如果人家对你说thank you,如大手最好不要用that's ok和that is ok作渣嫌为回答! 你可以说Y...
这是第几集?美剧 IT crowd IT狂人
1个回答2022-09-19 06:56
2个回答2022-10-14 04:32
Information Technology (信息技术) IT精英就是在IT届比较厉害的人咯!
1个回答2023-01-28 01:27
IT是InformationTechnology的缩写,意为“信息技术”,包含现代计算机、网络、通讯等信息领域的技术。IT的普遍应用,是进入信息社会的标志。 应该这样理解:IT应是一个行业,而这个...
1个回答2023-01-31 17:16
it 它 IT Information Technology,信息技术,一般指跟电脑相关的各种技术
1个回答2023-01-22 12:19
it全称为Internet Technology。是主要用于管理和处理信息所采用的各种技术的总称。主要包括传感技术、计算机与智能技术、通信技术和控制技术。信息技术的普遍应用,是进入信息社会的标志。
5个回答2022-07-29 16:33
信息技术(Information Technology)
2个回答2022-10-01 04:46
infermation technolagy 的缩写,意思是“信息科技”